Project for Enhancing the Rural Economic Competitiveness of Yoro


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Project for Enhancing the Rural Economic Competitiveness of Yoro

Project for Enhancing the Rural Economic Competitiveness of Yoro

This project will help small-scale farmers and indigenous Tolupan tribes of the Yoro department in central Honduras integrate into the market economy. It will also improve their territorial management practices and their organizational capacities, to give them a stronger voice and enable them to express their specific concerns to public and private entities.

To improve opportunities for increasing incomes, the project will help the tribes increase their grain production and expand their access to seeds, fertilizers and technical assistance. It will also help them gain access to technologies and investments, and will promote alliances among producers, service providers and processing and marketing enterprises.

The project will provide indigenous communities with legal services to help them clarify their land rights, and will promote the use of participatory community mapping to set the boundaries of territories and indigenous lands.


Source: IFAD

Estado: Cerrado
Fecha de aprobación
13 diciembre 2007
2007 - 2016
Desarrollo rural
Costo total del proyecto
USD 16,59 millones
Financiación del FIDA
USD 9,24 millones
Cofinanciadores (Internacional)
Central-American Bank for Econ.Integration (BCIE) USD 4,01 millones
Cofinanciadores (Nacional)
National Government USD 1,18 millones
Beneficiaries USD 2,16 millones
Condiciones de financiación
Condiciones muy favorables
N.º del proyecto
Contacto del proyecto
Glayson Ferrari Dos Santos

Informes sobre el diseño de los proyectos

Documentos de supervisión y apoyo a la ejecución

Evaluación del impacto ambiental y social

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe del examen interino (mitad de período)

Informe del examen interino (mitad de período)

Marco de acción para el reasentamiento

Resúmenes de informes

Estudios específicos

Proyectos enumerados

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe de finalización del proyecto

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