Communities Intro

تعد مجتمعات والشبكات الممارسات (CoPs) طرقًا مهمة لتطوير المعرفة والتقاطها وتنظيمها ومشاركتها ، لا سيما من خلال البناء على المعرفة الجماعية للأعضاء.

يدعم الصندوق عددا متزايدا من المجتمعات والشبكات. نرحب بك للانضمام إلى أي منهم والمساهمة بأفكارك وخبراتك ومحتوياتك ، فضلاً عن المشاركة في المناقشات عبر الإنترنت.


نتائج البحث


يوليو 2020

IFAD’s community of practice for geospatial applications aims to enhance IFAD’s operations and impact through systematic integration of geospatial tools, methods and data analytics. 


يوليو 2020

The objective of IFAD’s ICT4D strategy is to provide a framework for leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) to increase development impact and improve the economic and the social conditions of rural people.


يوليو 2020

The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is a Community of Practice managed by the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) for knowledge exchange on agricultural risk management in developing countries.

Farmers' Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific - FO4ACP

يوليو 2020

The overall objective of the FO4ACP programme is to increase income and to improve livelihoods, food and nutrition security and safety of organized smallholder and family farmers in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

The Gender Network

يوليو 2020
The Gender Network, with more than 2,000 members, has the goal of increasing IFAD’s impact on gender equality and strengthen women’s empowerment in poor rural areas. 
