ابحاث وملخصات


نتائج البحث

Custodians of culture and biodiversity: Indigenous peoples take charge of their challenges and opportunities

نوفمبر 2008
The objective of this study was to provide an overall and a country analysis of the needs of indigenous peoples and the solutions they propose to tackle rural poverty.

From subsistence farming to profit: the benefits of agro-wells in Sri Lanka

يونيو 2008

Large, well-constructed ‘agro-wells’ are making farming profitable for farmers living in dry areas of Sri Lanka. Farmers in the dry areas of the district of Matale benefited from the Regional Economic Advancement Project (REAP) from 1999 to 2007.

REAP was mostly funded by a loan of US$11.7 million from IFAD to the Government of Sri Lanka. The project had a total budget of US$14.5 million,
and benefited some 30,000 households.

A major activity of REAP’s subcomponent on soil conservation and water management was assistance to the poorest farmers to enable them to
construct agro-wells for irrigation purposes. This activity was started in 2001.

Sending Money Home - Worldwide Remittance Flows to Developing and Transition Countries

ديسمبر 2007
This report on remitance flows to developing and transition countries is based on a data research study commissioned by IFAD from Dr Manuel Orozco of the Inter-American Dialogue, in collaboration with the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank. 

Irriguer pour mieux cultiver : la réussite du Haut Bassin du Mandrare. L’expérience de 12 années d’intervention du PHBM (1996-2008)

نوفمبر 2007

Le potentiel irrigable du Haut Bassin du Mandrare est connu depuis très longtemps. 

La zone du Haut Bassin du Mandrare divisée en six sous-bassins versants qui alimentent le Mandrare bénéficie d’une bonne pluviométrie (normalement comprise entre 800 et 1100 mm) par rapport aux autres zones de l’extrême Sud de Madagascar. 

Les sols des vallées sont fertiles et se prêtent à la riziculture irriguée, activité agricole pratiquée par 60 % des habitants de la zone. 

IFAD in the Near East and North Africa region

يناير 2007

IFAD’s work in the region is guided by the organization’s Strategic Framework, its four thematic priorities for the region and by individual country strategic opportunities papers (COSOPs), reflecting governments’ own priorities in rural development and prepared in consultation with governments, donors and other partners. 

The thematic priorities encompass: 

(i) a new focus on managing land and water resources for poverty reduction, including the key role of empowerment of community-based resource management groups; 

(ii) achieving a breakthrough in rural microfinance by building partnerships with leading organizations in this area and collaborating with commercial banks and major regional financial institutions;

(iii) tackling rural unemployment by using the results of ongoing action research to identify effective, targeted interventions and; (iv) linking smallholder farmers and the rural poor with international markets by assisting NENA countries in developing export markets for non-traditional products and by working with existing private sector or NGO initiatives in this area.

IFAD’s experience in the region has shown that, with the right support, local people can sustainably manage the natural resources on which their livelihoods depend.
