Agro-pastoral Development Project in the Gobaad Basin

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

ناشر الأصول

Agro-pastoral Development Project in the Gobaad Basin

Agro-pastoral Development Project in the Gobaad Basin

The overall objectives of this project are to improve the general living conditions of semi-sedentary nomadic families and rural people dependent for their livelihood on gardening (including about 200 gardeners and their families), through increased and more reliable incomes and the integration of women in the development process.

The project is designed to implement integrated development in the Gobaad Valley and As-Eyla village by:

  • Improving water management and irrigation
  • Protecting agricultural holdings against floods
  • Diversifying and boosting animal and plant production
  • Providing effective technical, financial, commercial and educational support
  • Improving the agricultural credit delivery system.

The long-term objectives of the project are to develop the cultivation of date palms, fruit trees, vegetable and forage crops, and the integration of small ruminant livestock, in the production systems.


Source: IFAD

الحالة: مغلق
تاريخ الموافقة
13 سبتمبر 1989
1989 - 1995
التنمية الزراعية
التكلفة الإجمالية للمشروع
1.84 مليون دولار امريكي
تمويل فصندوق
1.26 مليون دولار امريكي
شروط التمويل
ميسرة للغاية
رقم تعريف المشروع

تقارير الرئيس

تقرير تصميم المشروعات

وثائق دعم الإشراف والتنفيذ

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