Community Development Support Project (PADC)

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

ناشر الأصول

Community Development Support Project

Community Development Support Project (PADC)

This project promotes the socio-economic development of Cameroon’s poorest rural people, especially women. Its aims are to increase their incomes and improve food security.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • build capacity among communities, support agencies, and private and public service providers
  • improve access by the rural poor, including women, to resources, inputs and services
  • promote income-generating activities for the rural poor

The project was designed at the government’s request, to support community empowerment by enabling communities to plan and manage their development under an integrated, participatory process.


Source: IFAD

الحالة: مغلق
تاريخ الموافقة
23 أبريل 2002
2002 - 2009
التنمية الريفية
التكلفة الإجمالية للمشروع
18.29 مليون دولار امريكي
تمويل فصندوق
11.76 مليون دولار امريكي
شركاء التمويل (محلي)
Domestic Financing Institutions 3.78 مليون دولار امريكي
Beneficiaries 1.77 مليون دولار امريكي
شروط التمويل
ميسرة للغاية
رقم تعريف المشروع

تقارير الرئيس

تقرير تصميم المشروعات

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