Agropastoral Value Chains Project in the Governorate of Médenine

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

ناشر الأصول

Agropastoral Value Chains Project in the Governorate of Médenine


The goal of this project is to improve living conditions for vulnerable rural people and create new opportunities for employment by strengthening the resilience of agropastoral production systems. To that end, the project seeks to help public and private actors manage and develop local agropastoral value chains, including those for camelids and small ruminants.

The project has three components:

  • Making agropastoral systems more resilient by reducing their vulnerability, improving production conditions for sheep, goats and camelids, and contributing to the sustainable management of pastoral resources
  • Developing value chains linked to local agropastoral production systems, particularly for red meats (sheep, goat and camelid) and their byproducts (wool and leather), and creating incentives to develop a value chain for camel milk
  • Building capacity to strengthen project management, coordination and implementation by partners and beneficiaries.

The project will directly target small livestock breeders with fewer than 50 head of small ruminants or five head of camelids, and smallholder farmers with less than 20 ha of rainfed rangeland and other land. It will also target young people and women for start-ups of small income-generating projects and microenterprises.

الحالة: مغلق
تاريخ الموافقة
24 مارس 2014
2014 - 2023
التنمية الريفية
التكلفة الإجمالية للمشروع
36.85 مليون دولار امريكي
تمويل فصندوق
19.5 مليون دولار امريكي
شركاء التمويل (دولي)
European Union 3.5 مليون دولار امريكي
شركاء التمويل (محلي)
Domestic Financing Institutions 2.9 مليون دولار امريكي
National Government 10.15 مليون دولار امريكي
شروط التمويل
رقم تعريف المشروع
الاتصال لهذا المشروع
Philippe Remy

تقرير تصميم المشروعات

تقرير تصميم المشروعات

Rapport de conception finale منطقة: الشرق الأدنى وشمال أفريقيا وأوروبا وآسيا الوسطى

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

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