Études et dossiers


Résultats de recherche

Transferts d’argent et bureaux de poste en Afrique - Répondre aux besoins des migrants et de leurs familles en milieu rural

novembre 2016

Ce rapport met l’accent sur les Opérateurs Postaux Nationaux (OPN) africains en tant que canaux de distribution, parmi de nombreux autres, dans le secteur des transferts d’argent et des services financiers. Il entend fournir au lecteur des informations précises sur le positionnement actuel des bureaux de poste sur le marché africain des transferts d’argent et sur leur rôle dans l’inclusion financière, et exposer ce qui peut être fait pour tirer profit des actifs et des ressources du secteur public afin d’améliorer la compétitivité et de faire progresser l’inclusion financière.

Deuxième Conférence africaine sur les transferts d’argent et les réseaux postaux - rapport officiel

novembre 2016

La deuxième Conférence Africaine sur les transferts d’argent et les réseaux postaux a été organisée dans le cadre de l’Initiative relative aux services financiers postaux en Afrique (APFSI), un programme régional conjoint mis en œuvre par le Mécanisme de financement pour l’envoi de fonds (MFEF) du Fonds international pour le développement agricole (FIDA), en collaboration avec la Banque mondiale, l’Union postale universelle (UPU), l’Institut mondial des caisses d’épargne / le Groupement européen des caisses d’épargne (IMCE/GECE) et le Fonds d’équipement des Nations Unies (FENU).

L’avantage des terres arides: Protéger l’environnement, autonomiser les populations

novembre 2016

Que sont les terres arides et pourquoi sont-elles importantes? Présentes sur tous les continents et couvrant plus de 40% de la surface terrestre, les terres arides se rapportent généralement aux zones arides, semi-arides et subhumides. 

Case study: Tonga Agriculture Sector Plan (TASP)

novembre 2016
Agriculture is the predominant economic activity in Tonga, contributing around 20 per cent of GDP. About 75 per cent of Tonga’s population lives in rural areas, and agriculture and fishing are the main sources of livelihoods. Fewer than 10 per cent of farmers are commercial producers and most of Tonga’s agriculture is thus still based on traditional/subsistence farming systems. The agriculture sector has been stagnant for a decade, with virtually no growth recorded between 2005 and 2012. Factors contributing to this situation include outmigration of the rural population, an ageing farmer population, declining export opportunities, and the increasing frequency and impact of climate change-related extreme weather events. Tonga’s export vulnerability lies in its reliance on very few commodities, such as squash, the exports of which have been falling since 2003. Rising production costs have contributed to a decline in export competitiveness, as has the difficulty in meeting quality and phytosanitary requirements for the principal markets of New Zealand and Australia.

Gender mainstreaming in IFAD10

octobre 2016

L’appui du FIDA en faveur de l’égalité des sexes et de l’autonomisation des femmes est solidement établi. Son engagement dans ce domaine s’étend sur 25 années, depuis le document de 1992 sur les stratégies du FIDA concernant la promotion économique des femmes rurales pauvres jusqu’au Pland’action 2003-2006 sur l’intégration des questions de parité hommes-femmes dans les opérations du FIDA, l’Évaluation au niveau de l’institution de la performance du FIDA en matière d’égalité des sexes et d’autonomisation des femmes, conduite en 2010 par le Bureau indépendant de l’évaluation, et enfin la politique de 2012 concernant l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation de la femme.

FAO IFAD - Complementarity and cooperation

octobre 2016
At a time when world attention is seized with the crises of migration and forced displacement, conflict, environmental degradation and climate change, FAO and IFAD are keenly aware that development must treat the underlying causes of desperation, inequality, and unsustainable ways of living on the planet.
FAO and IFAD have a shared vision, backed by technical expertise, which looks to the structural, longer-term causes of the scourges the world now aims to eradicate. Together and independently, our practices are geared toward providing sustainable solutions to food insecurity and lasting exits from the poverty trap. Together we are reaching marginalized and forgotten people who have too often been overlooked in development efforts.

Sharing a vision, achieving results: Partnership between the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development

octobre 2016
Sharing a vision: Partnership between the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development A joint goal: Investing in rural people, contributing to global development Rural areas of poor countries are facing both new and continuing challenges. Among these are the world’s burgeoning population, volatile food prices, environmental degradation, climate change, diversion of farmland, declining public financing and inefficient production and trade chains. Food security and rural development, therefore, are among the top priorities of the Dutch development agenda and central to IFAD’s mandate. Over the coming decades, market oriented smallholder agriculture will be crucial to fulfilling the growing demand for food and related goods and services. It will also be fundamental to raising incomes of poor people, 70 per cent of whom live in rural areas, and protecting the environment. A shared desire to
support smallholder farmers in creating this future is at the heart of the partnership between the Netherlands and IFAD.

IFAD post-2015 implementation brief 4 - Investing in Rural People

octobre 2016
The importance of the rural sector for sustainable development is well recognized in the debate on the post-2015 agenda, particularly in connection with sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, corresponding to the second proposed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2) drafted by the Open Working Group (OWG) this past summer. Both agriculture and more broadly rural development are, however, important also for many other SDGs related to poverty eradication, reduction of inequalities, inclusive growth, protection of ecosystems, combating of climate change and others.

IFAD post-2015 implementation brief 3 - Policy engagement, research and knowledge for inclusive and sustainable rural transformation

septembre 2016
In September 2015, members of the United Nations will sign up to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These – together with their targets and indicators – will guide global and national efforts to achieve sustainable development for the next 15 years. Governments will then be expected to draw on the SDGs to define national implementation strategies and effective monitoring systems, and to align public expenditures and streamline government institutions to support such strategies.
