Agrégateur de contenus

Trente-cinqui��me session du Comit�� de l�����valuation





Agenda Item 2


Agenda Item 3(a)

Executive Summary: Evaluation of Supervision Modalities in IFAD Supported Projects

Agenda Item 3(b)

Venezuela - Interim Evaluation Support Project for Small Producers In The Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States Executive Summary and Agreement at Completion Point

Agenda Item 2

Agenda Item 3(a)

Executive Summary: Evaluation of Supervision Modalities in IFAD Supported Projects

Agenda Item 3(b)

Venezuela - Interim Evaluation Support Project for Small Producers In The Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States Executive Summary and Agreement at Completion Point

Agenda Item 2


Agenda Item 3(a)

Executive Summary: Evaluation of Supervision Modalities in IFAD Supported Projects

Agenda Item 3(b)

Venezuela - Interim Evaluation Support Project for Small Producers In The Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States Executive Summary and Agreement at Completion Point

Agenda Item 2


Agenda Item 3(a)

Executive Summary: Evaluation of Supervision Modalities in IFAD Supported Projects

Agenda Item 3(b)

Venezuela - Interim Evaluation Support Project for Small Producers In The Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States Executive Summary and Agreement at Completion Point