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Quarante-neuvi��me session du Comit�� de l�����valuation





Agenda item 2

Provisional agenda

Agenda item 3

Work programme and budget for 2008 of the Office of Evaluation

Agenda item 4

Annual report on the results and impact of IFAD operations

Agenda item 2

Provisional agenda

Agenda item 3

Work programme and budget for 2008 of the Office of Evaluation

Agenda item 4

Annual report on the results and impact of IFAD operations

Agenda item 2

Provisional agenda

Agenda item 3

Work programme and budget for 2008 of the Office of Evaluation

Agenda item 4

Annual report on the results and impact of IFAD operations

Agenda item 2

Provisional agenda

Agenda item 3

Work programme and budget for 2008 of the Office of Evaluation

Agenda item 4

Annual report on the results and impact of IFAD operations