Coffee talk series - IOE
Using GEO tools for IOE evaluations
Seminar on selected GEO tools of interest to IOE by Michelle Latham, Consultant and GIS specialist.
Emerging lessons from the Project Cluster Evaluation on Rural Finance
Coffee Talk presented by Mikal Khan (IOE Evaluation Officer) and Christiane Kuhn (IOE Evaluation Associate).
The importance of values in evaluation when goals collide
Coffee Talk presented by Ida Lindkvist, Senior Advisor, Department for Evaluation, Norad.
Integrating natural resource management and climate change adaptation into evaluations:
S. Nanthikesan reflects on lessons from the ‘Thematic Evaluation of IFAD’s Support for Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change’.
Evaluation in fluid and volatile contexts
Talk presented by Hur Hassnain (Senior Evaluation Advisor, European Commission) and Inga-Lill Aronsson (Senior Lecturer, Uppsala University, Sweden).