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Direct supervision pilot programme
November 2005
Background. In February 1997, the IFAD Governing Council adopted resolution 102/XX on Loan Administration and Supervision of Project Implementation, together with a Five-Year Plan of Action. The...
Direct supervision pilot programme
December 2004
Introduction Background. In February 1997, the IFAD Governing Council adopted resolution 102/XX on Loan Administration and Supervision of Project Implementation, together with a Five-Year Plan of...
Supervision modalities in IFAD supported projects
January 2004
Exexutive summary Introduction1 Improving the quality of project implementation and achieving better results on the ground has been a priority for the International Fund for Agricultural...
Evaluation of IFAD's technical assistance grants programme for agricultural research
December 2002
Executive Summary I. Introduction 1. The Strategic Framework for IFAD 2002-2006 (SF) identifies "Improving Access to Productive Natural Resource and Technology" as one of the three strategic...
Evaluation of IFAD’s capacity as a promoter of replicable innovation
December 2001
Abbreviations and acronyms CBOs Community-Based Organizations CENTRIM Centre for Research in Innovation Management CLP Core Learning Partnership ECP Extended Cooperation Programme ED Economic...
