
Search Results

IFAD's Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: Evaluation Synthesis
January 2016
IFAD has been financing projects in support of indigenous peoples since 1979, in particular in Latin America and Asia. According to United Nations estimates, there are more than 370 million...
Rural Youth Evaluation synthesis report
June 2014
Evaluation Synthesis. IFAD started enhancing its focus on rural youth in the last decade and particularly in 2010, when the Strategic Framework for the period 2011–2015 reflected the Fund's...
IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-income Countries: Evaluation Synthesis
February 2016
The evaluation synthesis concludes that there is a solid cause for IFAD’s continued engagement in middle-income countries (MICs). In fact, IFAD remains a relevant and highly valued partner for...
Water Conservation and Management Evaluation synthesis report
April 2014
Evaluation synthesis. Overall, IFAD’s engagement in the water sector has improved also as a result of better performance in related sectors such as financial services, value addition and market...
Rural differentiation and smallholder development
September 2013
This synthesis report is based on two main sources of information: review of current external literature; and IFAD sources (a review of IOE evaluations, Programme Management Department (PMD)...
