Latest reports - IOE
Evaluation of IFAD’s capacity as a promoter of replicable innovation
Abbreviations and acronyms CBOs Community-Based Organizations CENTRIM Centre for Research in Innovation Management CLP Core Learning Partnership ECP Extended Cooperation Programme ED Economic...
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2002)
Papua New Guinea
Regarding the adverse effects of chronic malnutrition (stunting), Partha Dasgupta in his An Inquiry into Well-being and Destitution states that beyond efforts to provide emergency and food relief...
Rural Development Project for Ngöbe-Buglé Communities, Panama
Interim Evaluation The project was successful on several fronts: intensive training provided crucial support for social organisation; beneficiaries got involved in project planning and management;...
Languages: English, Spanish
Thematic Study on Rural Financial Services in China
IFAD projects provided loans to between 20 and 66 percent of rural households in the project areas. The main project activities promoted through micro credit were grain production, horticulture,...
Bokeo Food Security Project
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Laos is landlocked; 80% of the country is mountainous and around only 3% is cultivated. The major determinant of poverty is the degree of self-sufficiency in rice production and the primary...
Agricultural Resources Management Project
Mid-term Evaluation Increased soil and water conservation has resulted in higher productivity levels from natural resources, bringing benefits and economic growth to the 4 041 farmers originally...
North West Agricultural Services Project
Completion evaluation The IFAD Office of Evaluations and Studies carried out a Completion Evaluation (CE) of the IFAD-financed North West Agricultural Services Project (NWASP) in Armenia from...
Agricultural Development Programme for the Western region
Through the Agricultural Development Programme for the Western region, Honduras, 731 micro-entrepreneurs and 9,773 small producers (68 percent men, 32 percent women) received technical assistance –...
Languages: English, Spanish
Viet Nam Country Programme Review and Evaluation (2001)
Viet Nam
Principal CPRE recommendations Strategic The CPRE broadly confirmed the validity of IFAD strategy in Vietnam with its clear emphasis on targeting the poorest of the poor through the development of...
Syrian Arab Republic Country Programme Evaluation
Syrian Arab Republic
Background and Rationale The IFAD Near East and North Africa Division (PN) is planning to prepare a new country strategic opportunities paper (COSOP) for Syria in 2001 to launch a new ...