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Programme for Strengthening the Regional Capacity for Evaluation of RuralPoverty-Alleviation Projects
December 1999
Interim Evaluation Executive Summary The Programme for Strengthening the Regional Capacity for Evaluation of Rural Poverty-Alleviation Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (PREVAL) covers...
Projet de Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord-Guéra - Phase I (1999)
December 1999
Évaluation intermédiare La zone d'intervention du Projet de sécurité alimentaire au Nord-Guéra (PSANG) comprend les trois sous-préfectures septentrionales du Guéra (Bitkine, Mongo et Magalmé), au...
Development for Marginal Rural Communities in the Ixtelra Region (1999)
October 1999
Interim evaluation Introduction The Ixtlera region is a semi-arid area covering 155 000 square kilometres in north-eastern Mexico, spanning parts of the states of San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas,...
Languages: English, Spanish
India: completion evaluation of Orissa development project: seven lessons learned
May 1999
Introduction The tribal communities are among the most underprivileged people of India. They are severely impacted by poverty and its manifestations, such as low levels of literacy and health care,...
Evaluation Intermediaire du Projet de Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord-Guéra (PSANG, Phase 1) (1999)
January 1999
Resumé valide par les partenaires du Psang des principales leçons tirées de l'evaluation de la première phase et des orientations proposées pour une second phase La validation des conclusions et...
Poverty Alleviation Training in Asia and the PacificRegion
December 1998
Interim Evaluation Executive Summary The target group for PATAP is: (i) project staff engaged in IFAD projects; (ii) farmers representing the beneficiaries in these projects; (iii) the sectoral...
Venezuela: Programa Regional y Nacional de Capacitación en Desarrollo Rural
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
December 1998
Fundación para la Capacitación e Investigación Aplicada a la ReformaAgraria (CIARA): (TAG231) El Programa, aprobado a fines de 1991 por la Junta Ejecutiva del FIDA, se ha estado implementando a...
Languages: English, Spanish
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)  
October 1998
El Proyecto de Desarrollo y Consolidación de las Colonias de Pequeños Agricultores en el Departamento de Santa Cruz (PRODEPA) fue identificado por la Misión Especial de Programación del Fondo...
Languages: English, Spanish
Upper East Region Land Conservation and Smallhoder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP) (1998)
September 1998
Interim evaluation Ghana has a total area of about 240 000 km2, of which the Upper East Region (UER) covers about 8 800 (3.7 % ) in the Northeast corner. The total population with annual growth...
