Latest reports - IOE
Federative Republic of Brazil: Country Programme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point (2015)
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction This is the second country programme evaluation (CPE) undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD of the IFAD-Brazil...
IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-income Countries: Evaluation Synthesis
The evaluation synthesis concludes that there is a solid cause for IFAD’s continued engagement in middle-income countries (MICs). In fact, IFAD remains a relevant and highly valued partner for...
Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme
The Community-based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme was one of the biggest and most influential IFAD loan operations in Nigeria. It was based in the North - one of the poorest parts of...
Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation
This is the third evaluation of IFAD's country programme in Bangladesh undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation. Bangladesh is among the top three recipients of IFAD funding in the Asia...
IFAD's Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: Evaluation Synthesis
IFAD has been financing projects in support of indigenous peoples since 1979, in particular in Latin America and Asia. According to United Nations estimates, there are more than 370 million...