Latest reports - IOE
Zambia Country Programme Evaluation
This country programme evaluation is the first carried out in Zambia and it covers the period 1999-2013.The interventions by IFAD have helped to increase and diversify production by beneficiary...
Republic of Ecuador: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
This section details the evaluation recommendations, based on the present report (see chapter VIII), that the Government of Ecuador and IFAD Management agree to adopt and implement within specific...
Languages: English, Spanish
Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Programme
The evaluation reveals that the programme activities brought about improvements in the production and productivity of crops and livestock in the targeted area, through training of farmers and...
Rural Youth Evaluation synthesis report
Evaluation Synthesis. IFAD started enhancing its focus on rural youth in the last decade and particularly in 2010, when the Strategic Framework for the period 2011–2015 reflected the Fund's...
IFAD Replenishments Evaluation
The corporate-Level evaluation reveals that replenishment consultations are critical for IFAD's financial sustainability and also provide a unique platform to ensure accountability for results and...