
Search Results

Arhangai Rural Poverty Alleviation Project (2007)
April 2007
Completion evaluation Introduction Background. After Mongolia joined IFAD in 1994, discussions between the Government of Mongolia (GOM) and the Fund led to the formulation of the first...
Mali Country Programme Evaluation (2007)
January 2007
IFAD's assistance to Mali. Since 1982, IFAD has approved ten loans for a sum of almost US$126 million, making a total of US$280 million when combined with the contributions of the Government and...
Languages: English, French
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2006
December 2006
This is the fourth Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) produced by the Office of Evaluation (OE). As in the past, the ARRI report consolidates and synthesizes the results...
Rural Development Project of the Mayan Communities in the Yucatan Peninsula (2006)
December 2006
Completion evaluation Introduction Background of the evaluation. The loan for the Rural Development Project of the Mayan Communities in the Yucatan Peninsula was approved by the Executive Board of...
Languages: English, Spanish
Fouta Djallon Agricultural Rehabilitation and Local Development Programme (PRAADEL) (2005)
December 2006
Interim Evaluation1 The purpose of the interim evaluation mission (IEM) – required under IFAD policy – was to determine whether the programme results and impact warrant pursuing the project and, if...
Languages: English, French
