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IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
July 2017
  The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD has just released the evaluation synthesis “IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue”. The synthesis examines IFAD's engagement with partner governments...
Nicaragua Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
June 2017
The IFAD-supported country programme has made significant contributions to rural development in Nicaragua. To address the rapidly changing institutional framework, IFAD has introduced flexibility...
National Rural Development Programme – Phase I: Western Region (2017)
June 2017
The programme objectives were to significantly reduce poverty and prevent exclusion and discrimination among the poorest indigenous and non-indigenous populations of the Western Region of Guatemala...
Post-Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme (2017)
Sri Lanka  
June 2017
The goal of the programme was to restore the assets of women and men directly or indirectly affected by the tsunami and to re-establish the foundation of their previous economic activities, while...
Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
April 2017
This country strategy and programme evaluation covers the IFAD-Government partnership under the two country strategies of 1999 and 2009. IFAD's portfolio in the Philippines has been a mix of...
Post-Tsunami Agricultural and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme
April 2017
Project Performance Evaluation The Post-Tsunami Agricultural and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme in the Republic of Maldives was implemented between 2005 and 2013. The programme aimed to...
