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Smallholder Livestock Rehabilitation Project (2004)
April 2004
Completion evaluation 1 Project design. The Smallholder Livestock Rehabilitation Project (SLRP) was the first assistance provided by IFAD to Lebanon . The project, designed as a post-conflict...
Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process, and Conference
March 2004
Empowering the poor by shifting from a supply to a demand-driven approach The Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Highlands Project (MARENASS) and the Development of the Puno-Cusco...
Indonesia Country Programme Evaluation (2004)
January 2004
Country programme evaluation process1 The Indonesia Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) was undertaken by the Office of Evaluation (OE) at the request of the Government of Indonesia to take stock of...
Supervision modalities in IFAD supported projects
January 2004
Exexutive summary Introduction1 Improving the quality of project implementation and achieving better results on the ground has been a priority for the International Fund for Agricultural...
Community Development Project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO) (2003)
December 2003
Interim evaluation Introduction This document contains an executive summary1 of the interim evaluation of the Community Development Project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO). The evaluation –...
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project
December 2003
Interim Evaluation The direct transfer of assets to the poor is an innovative approach to poverty alleviation. Aiming to solve the problem of common access to forest areas, 40-year leases give...
