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Republic of Bolivia: Country programme evaluation
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)  
July 2005
Country programme evaluation Members of the Core Learning Partnership The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) included: Mr Diego Montenegro, Minister of Agriculture; Mr Gustavo Pedraza, Minister of...
Languages: English, Spanish
Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reduction in Asia: People's Republic of China
July 2005
Agreement at completion point Process and evaluation partnerships Between 2001 and 2002, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a...
Thematic evaluation: Rural Financial Services in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States - Agreement at Completion Point
Albania   Armenia   Azerbaijan   Bosnia and Herzegovina   Georgia   Republic of Moldova   Romania   Republic of North Macedonia  
July 2005
Background and introduction IFAD has been involved in the Central and Eastern Europe and Newly Independent States (CEN) region since the early 1990s, following the start of the political and...
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point (2005)
July 2005
Country Programme Evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation From February until October 2005, the Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural...
Languages: English, French
Arab Republic of Egypt: Country programme evaluation
June 2005
Country programme evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation The Agreement at Completion Point (ACP), which is the end point of the evaluation process, records the...
The Gambia: rural finance and community initiatives project (RFCIP)
Gambia (The)  
June 2005
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation Introduction In 2004, the Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Rural Finance and Community Initiatives...
Republic of Ghana: upper East region land conservation and smallholder rehabilitation project (LACOSREP) - Phase II
June 2005
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation1 The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation In 2005, the Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for...
Independent External Evaluation - Information Training and Development (ITAD) of IFAD (IEE)
June 2005
Information Training and Development (ITAD) ITAD ITAD capability statement ITAD website IEE team and consultants' CVs IEE team capability Team leader and three senior experts Pool of 12...
Provisional IEE work plan
June 2005
The table below presents IEE work plan which includes the main dates of key IEE activities undertaken between December 2003 and April 2005. Task 1: Inception Phase Report Start 1 December 2003 End...
Independent External Evaluation of IFAD (IEE) - Photographs
June 2005
IFAD operations selected for IEE study, January 2004 Signing the IFAD/ITAD contract, December 2003
Independent External Evaluation (IEE) - Newsletters and Bulletins
June 2005
IFAD operations selected for IEE study, January 2004 IEE Bulletin from President of IFAD, December 2003 IEE Newsletter Issue no. 1, December 2003
Independent External Evaluation of IFAD (IEE) - Documents
June 2005
Terms of reference Final Report of the Independent External Evaluation (IEE) of IFAD (includes the relevant excerpt of the minutes of the Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board) Arabic |...
Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reduction in Asia: Republic of India
June 2005
Agreement at completion point Process and evaluation partnerships Between 2001 and 2002, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a...
IFAD's performance and impact in decentralizing environments: experiences from Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda
Ethiopia   Uganda   United Republic of Tanzania  
June 2005
Introduction and the core learning partnership (CLP) In 2004, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a thematic evaluation on decentralisation focusing on Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. The...
Tunisia: Projet de développement agricole et rural intégré de Siliana (PDARI)
May 2005
Évaluation intermédiaire 1 Principales constatations, recommandations et suivi convenu Iintermédiaire du Projet de développement agricole rural intégré (PDARI) de Siliana. Un partenariat clé...
Republic of Paraguay: Peasant Development Fund Credit Project
May 2005
Completion evaluation the core learning partnership and evaluation users The Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) carried out a completion...
Languages: English, Spanish
Tunisia: integrated agricultural and rural development project in the Governorate of Siliana
May 2005
Interim evaluation 1 Major findings, recommendations and agreed follow-up IFAD, in conjunction with the Government of Tunisia, undertook to conduct a midterm evaluation of the Integrated...
Languages: English, French
The Republic of Uganda: district development support programme
May 2005
Completion evaluation Agreement at completion point 1 Introduction and the Core Learning Partnership In 2004, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a completion evaluation of the District...
Agreement at Completion Point: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia:Special Country Programme, Phase II (SCP II)
May 2005
The Core Learning Partnership and the Users of the Evaluation 1 In 2004 the Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Special Country Programme Phase II (SCP II) in...
Republic of Benin: Income-generating activities project
May 2005
Interim evaluation The Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is based on the deliberations of and discussions by the partners on the findings and recommendations in the draft evaluation report of...
Languages: English, French
District Development Support Programme
March 2005
Completion evaluation 1 Introduction The completion evaluation of the DDSP was converted from an interim to a completion evaluation mainly due to the realignment of the policy of the Government of...
Benin Country Programme Evaluation (2005)
January 2005
Since 1981, IFAD has granted Benin eight IFAD loans for a total of USD 91 million. The first Country Strategic Opportunities Paper (COSOP) for Benin was approved in 1997 by IFAD. On the basis of...
Languages: English, French
Direct supervision pilot programme - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
January 2005
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction and the core learning partnership In 2004/05, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a corporate-level evaluation (CLE) of the direct supervision pilot...
Direct supervision pilot programme
December 2004
Introduction Background. In February 1997, the IFAD Governing Council adopted resolution 102/XX on Loan Administration and Supervision of Project Implementation, together with a Five-Year Plan of...
Egypt Country Programme Evaluation
December 2004
Overall, most projects have objectives that are highly relevant to the IFAD and Government of Egypt strategies (at the time of design) as well as to the rural poor. The relevance of the portfolio...
Plurinational State of Bolivia Country Programme Evaluation (2005)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)  
December 2004
During the period 1979-2003, the Fund approved nine projects for the Plurinational State of Bolivia totaling USD 81.3 million. The overall objective of the country programme evaluation was to...
Languages: English, Spanish
Agricultural Development Project in Matam (2004)
December 2004
Interim evaluation1 The Agricultural Development Project in Matam (PRODAM) originated in 1989 at the request of the Government of Senegal, following the events with Mauritania and the forced...
Languages: English, French
Agricultural Resources Management Project - Interim evaluation (2004)
December 2004
Interim Evaluation 1 Background and design The Agricultural Resources Management Project (ARMP) was designed in late 1995, and was the fourth IFAD supported intervention in the Hashemite Kingdom of...
Rural Micro-Enterprises Project (2004)
December 2004
Interim Evaluation The rural micro-enterprises project (PROMER) began activities in June 1997. Its total cost is 10.94 million de USD, with 67% covered by IFAD loans (n° 402-SN and SRS-47-SN). Its...
Languages: English, French
The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Quang Binh agricultural resources conservation and development project
Viet Nam  
December 2004
Interim Evaluation1 The Core Learning Partnership and the users of the evaluation The Office of Evaluation (OE) of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Quang Binh Agricultural Resources...
The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Ha Giang development project for ethnic minorities - interim evaluation
Viet Nam  
December 2004
Interim evaluation1 The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) and users of the evaluation The Office of Evaluation (OE) of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Ha Giang Development Project for...
Special Programme Soil and Water Conservation and Agro-forestry in the Central Plateau (2004)
Burkina Faso  
December 2004
Interim evaluation1 The Special Programme for Soil and Water Conservation and Agroforestry in the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso commenced in October 1988 as one of the most representative and...
Languages: English, French
Root and Tuber Improvement Programme (RTIP) (2004)
December 2004
Interim Evaluation The Root and Tuber Improvement Programme, (RTIP) became effective in January 1999 and is scheduled to close in December 2004. IFAD and the Government of Ghana are considering a...
Ha Giang Development Project for Ethnic Minorities (2004)
Viet Nam  
December 2004
Interim Evaluation 1 Introduction and approach The Mission was mounted to assess the performance and impact of the Project (HPM) in the context of consideration of a second phase of a new project...
Agricultural Resources Conservation and Development Project in Quang Binh Province (2004)
Viet Nam  
December 2004
Interim Evaluation 1 Introduction The Agricultural Resources Conservation and Development Project (ARCDP) was financed by an IFAD loan of USD 12.8 million with an additional UNDP/TA grant of USD...
Development Project for Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian Peoples (2004)
December 2004
Interim evaluation1 Introduction The design of the Development Project for Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian Peoples (PRODEPINE) ties in with the government strategy for sustainable development that...
Languages: English, Spanish
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2004
October 2004
The new IFAD evaluation policy approved by the Executive Board in April 2003 emphasized the role of the independent evaluation function at IFAD in promoting accountability and learning in order to...
Supervision modalities in IFAD supported projects - Extract of Agreement at Compeltion Point
July 2004
Background1 In 1996 the Programme Management Department (PMD) commissioned a Joint Review of Supervision Issues in IFAD Financed Projects. The review presented five recommendations, which were...
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: agricultural resources management project
July 2004
Interim evaluation1 Extract of Agreement at Completion Point The Core Learning Partnership and the users of the evaluation This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is concerned with identifying...
Promotion of local knowledge and innovations in Asia and the Pacific Region
July 2004
Thematic evaluation The Core Learning Partnership and the users of the evaluation The members of the Core Learning Partnership (CLP) included representatives of IFAD's Asia and the Pacific Division...
Republic of Ecuador: Development project for indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian peoples (PRODEPINE)
July 2004
Interim evaluation 1 When we refer to an evaluation of a nation-wide strategy, as is the case with PRODEPINE in Ecuador, a synthetic judgement of the project's performance - even though very...
Languages: English, Spanish
The adoption of Organic Agriculture among small farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean
July 2004
Thematic study1 Introduction Where appropriate, organic agriculture is an alternative for the diversification of production, and hence for the diversification of income sources, among small poor...
Languages: English, Spanish
Republic of Indonesia
June 2004
Country programme evaluation1 The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) and the users of the evaluation The members of the CLP constituted representatives from the Government of Indonesia (represented by...
Republic of Ghana: root and tuber improvement programme
June 2004
Extract of Agreement at Completion point Interim evaluation1 Introduction The Root and Tuber Improvement Programme, (RTIP) became effective in January 1999 and was scheduled to close in December...
Senegal Country Programme Evaluation
June 2004
À la demande du Département des opérations du FIDA, le Bureau de l’évaluation a conduit entre octobre 2002 et juillet 2003 une Évaluation de Programme de Pays en République du Sénégal. L’objectif...
Languages: English, French
Benin: Country programme evaluation
June 2004
Preamble This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is based on discussions and deliberations of the partnership of the findings and recommendations of the Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) report...
Languages: English, French
The Republic of Lebanon: smallholder livestock rehabilitation project
May 2004
Extract at Agreement at Completion Point Completion Evaluation1 The Core Learning Partnership IFAD's Evaluation Policy2 defines the objectives of the Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) as…...
Republic of Senegal: Agricultural Development Project in Matam (PRODAM)
May 2004
Extact of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation 1 On Friday 12 April 2003, the Core Learning Partnership of PRODAM – expanded to include the members of the Project management unit (PMU)...
Languages: English, French
Republic of Senegal: rural micro-enterprises project - PROMER
May 2004
Interim evaluation1 Introduction The rural micro-enterprises project (PROMER) began activities in June 1997 in two regions of Senegal (Tambacounda and Kolda) and by mid-term it had expanded to two...
Languages: English, French
Republic of Senegal: Country programme evaluation
May 2004
Introduction At the request of IFAD's Operations Department, the Office of Evaluation conducted an evaluation of the country programme for the Republic of Senegal between October 2002 and July...
Languages: English, French
Burkina Faso: special programme for soil and water conservation and agroforestry, phases 1 & 2
Burkina Faso  
May 2004
Interim evaluation1 Introduction The Special Programme for Soil and Water Conservation and Agroforestry commenced in October 1988 in four provinces of the central plateau (Passoré, Yatenga, Bam and...
Languages: English, French
Smallholder Livestock Rehabilitation Project (2004)
April 2004
Completion evaluation 1 Project design. The Smallholder Livestock Rehabilitation Project (SLRP) was the first assistance provided by IFAD to Lebanon . The project, designed as a post-conflict...
Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process, and Conference
March 2004
Empowering the poor by shifting from a supply to a demand-driven approach The Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Highlands Project (MARENASS) and the Development of the Puno-Cusco...
Indonesia Country Programme Evaluation (2004)
January 2004
Country programme evaluation process1 The Indonesia Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) was undertaken by the Office of Evaluation (OE) at the request of the Government of Indonesia to take stock of...
Supervision modalities in IFAD supported projects
January 2004
Exexutive summary Introduction1 Improving the quality of project implementation and achieving better results on the ground has been a priority for the International Fund for Agricultural...
Community Development Project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO) (2003)
December 2003
Interim evaluation Introduction This document contains an executive summary1 of the interim evaluation of the Community Development Project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO). The evaluation –...
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project
December 2003
Interim Evaluation The direct transfer of assets to the poor is an innovative approach to poverty alleviation. Aiming to solve the problem of common access to forest areas, 40-year leases give...
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2003
November 2003
The IFAD V: Plan of Action (2000-2002) recommended that the Office of Evaluation (OE) produce a systematic overview of the results and impact of IFAD’s operations, based on the evaluations it...
Smallholder Development Project in North Lower Guinea
September 2003
Interim Evaluation Despite its agricultural potential at the beginning of the 1990s, the forest region of Guinea had a food production deficit. Nationalisation policies between 1958 and 1984 had...
Languages: English, French
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: support project for small producers in the semi-arid zones of Falcon and Lara States (PROSALFA) - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
July 2003
Interim evaluation1 A synthetic judgement or evaluation of the project's performance is always necessary even if it does not always strictly reflect all the aspects involved. In this regard,...
Languages: English, Spanish
Netrakona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management Project
July 2003
Project Completion Evaluation There is evidence that sustainable changes have been brought about by the project. Assessing the effects of new technology and training, an impact survey used by the...
Republic of Chad: Ouadis of Kanem agricultural development project
July 2003
Project interim evaluation1 Introduction The agreement concluding the PDAOK (Ouadis of Kanem Agricultural Development Project) interim evaluation comprises two parts. The first part addresses...
Languages: English, French
Tunisia Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
July 2003
Country programme evaluation At the request of the Tunisian Government, IFAD undertook an evaluation of its cooperation programme with Tunisia. A core learning partnership comprising...
Languages: English, French
Evaluation of IFAD's technical assistance grants programme for agricultural research - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
July 2003
Overview of major findings1 The Agricultural Research grant funding line of the AR&T Programme has been evaluated for the first time since its establishment in 1979. From 1979 to 2001, a total of...
United Republic of Tanzania - Extract of Agreement at completion point (2003)
United Republic of Tanzania  
June 2003
Country programme evaluation This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is an understanding among key partners1 on the main insights and recommendations from the Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation...
Rural Micro-Enterprise Finance Project
June 2003
Interim Evaluation Over 160 microfinance institutions have adopted the Grameen-style approach to banking in the Philippines. They lend at commercial rates that cover all costs and allow for profit....
Republic of Haiti: Small-scale Irrigation Schemes Rehabilitation Project
May 2003
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation 1 The objective of the project was to boost the agricultural production and income levels of 26 small-scale irrigation schemes (petits...
Languages: English, French
Republic of the Philippines: rural micro-enterprise finance project
May 2003
Interim evaluation 1 In April 1996, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) approved a loan in the amount of approximately USD 14.7 million to the Government of the Philippines...
Nepal: Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP)
May 2003
Interim evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation The Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage...
Guinea: smallholder development project in North Lower Guinea(PAPE-BGN)
May 2003
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction The Agreement at Completion Point is based on the deliberations and discussions of the partners on the findings and recommendations from the...
Languages: English, French
Republic of Yemen: Tihama environment protection project - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
May 2003
Interim Evaluation1 Insight 1: project fesign and supervision Project design was appropriate and innovative with an objective that was relevant for the rural poor in the Tihama and is consistent...
Federative Republic of Brazil - Community development project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO)
May 2003
State of Bahia - interim evaluation Core Learning Partnership and users of the evaluation Introduction The Core Learning Partnership1 met in Salvador , Bahia ( Brazil ) on 17 September 2003 to...
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
United Republic of Tanzania: Kagera agricultural and environmental management project
United Republic of Tanzania  
May 2003
This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) records the understanding among the key partners of the evaluation for the Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project (KAEMP) on the main...
Small-scale Irrigation Schemes Rehabilitation Project
April 2003
Project Interim Evaluation The project involved 26 small-scale irrigation schemes, covering nearly 5,000 hectares in four different areas of Haiti: Port-de-Paix (6), Saint Marc (11), Petit-Goâve...
Languages: English, French
Tihama Environment Protection Project (2003)
April 2003
Interim Evaluation Introduction The objectives of the interim evaluation were to assess: (i) the achievements of the project so far and its impact on the target groups in relation to the original...
