2021 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations - IOE

2021 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations
The 2021 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations (ARRI), the flagship report of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE), presents a synthesis of IFAD’s performance, lessons and challenges to enhance its development effectiveness.
The 2021 ARRI draws quantitative findings from IOE’s assessment of 298 projects completed between 2007 and 2019, as well as 58 country strategy and programme evaluations conducted and finalized between 2007 and 2020. This year’s report also features learning-oriented discussions on two themes: project efficiency and operations in countries with fragile situations.
The report confirms that overall, the performance of IFAD operations has been positive, with some exceptions. In the recent period, over 75 per cent of IFAD-supported projects completed between 2017 and 2019 have been rated moderately satisfactory or better on 9 out of 13 evaluation criteria. In particular, 87 per cent of projects attained such a score for the criterion of innovation. Over a longer term, there was steady improvement in the criteria of environment and natural resource management and adaptation to climate change. On the other hand, the portfolio performance trend is flat or declining in areas including IFAD performance and rural poverty impact.
As for the learning themes, the 2021 ARRI concludes that IFAD and governments must act at project design and implementation to improve project efficiency. Regarding countries with fragile situations, IFAD should capitalize on its valuable operational experience to formulate strategies informed by conflict and fragility analyses, in order to address both the drivers and consequences of fragility.