Agreements at Completion Point - IOE
Agreements at Completion Point
Upon completing independent evaluation reports, the office of evaluation, the relevant IFAD officials and other stakeholders develop a separate action-oriented document, called agreement at completion point (ACP). The ACP is the end point of a process that aims to determine how well evaluation users understand the recommendations proposed in the independent evaluation, and how they propose to make them operational. Interaction among the stakeholders working through Core learning partnerships (CLP) helps deepen the understanding of evaluation findings and recommendations contained in the independent evaluation report, and elicits ownership for implementing the recommendations. The ACP illustrates the stakeholders' understanding of the evaluation, findings and recommendations, their proposal to implement them and their commitment to act upon them. OE will participate in this process to ensure a full understanding of its findings and recommendations.
The two objectives of the ACP are to:
- clarify and deepen the understanding of evaluation recommendations, document those that are found acceptable and feasible and those that are not, make the former more operational, and eventually generate a response by the stakeholders on how they intend to act upon them within the framework of an action plan that assigns responsibilities and deadlines
- flag evaluation insights and learning hypotheses for further future discussions and debate.
The ACP makes explicit reference to the partners with whom it was concluded. These include all major users of evaluation results such as the relevant IFAD operational unit(s), project and borrower country authorities and other relevant stakeholders. OE's participation in the ACP process will be as explained above.