Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results - IOE

Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has conducted an evaluation synthesis on building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results. The review of country-level experiences and results covered 36 country programme evaluations conducted between 2006 and 2016.
The synthesis on country-level on experiences and results, because this is where partnerships matter most and where they are expected to produce concrete rural poverty reduction results. As the report explains, effective partnerships are built on the principle of complementarity.
The report noted an insufficient focus on results and the absence of a coherent framework to capture comprehensive results from partnerships.
Global and regional partnerships have received a lot of attention at corporate level, but as highlighted by this synthesis, most of these initiatives have been insufficiently linked to country programmes and have produced limited results in terms of innovation and scaling up within countries.
The report also highlights that rural transformation activities will require IFAD to work with a broader range of partners and to adjust its operational model by improving resource mobilization, allocation and utilization from diverse sources.