China Country Programme Evaluation - IOE

China Country Programme Evaluation
15 November 2014
This is the first country programme evaluation conducted by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD in China. It covers the partnership between IFAD and the Government from 1999 to 2013. Overall, the CPE concludes that the China-IFAD partnership is strong and the aggregate performance of the loan portfolio, non-lending activities (i.e. policy dialogue, knowledge management and partnership-building) and country strategic opportunities programmes was satisfactory. However, the main challenge in the future partnership is to increase the emphasis on non-lending activities, which will need to be linked to an adequate investment project portfolio that focuses on promoting innovation and scaling up.
Approach Paper - People’s Republic of China Country Programme Evaluation.pdf
Executive summary
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - English
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - English