Cotagaita San Juan Del Oro Agricultural Development Project - IOE
Cotagaita San Juan Del Oro Agricultural Development Project
Interim evaluation
The aim of the Cotagaita San Juan del Oro Agricultural Development Project (PCSJO) is to increase the incomes and living standards of the rural population of the provinces of Nor Chichas, Sud Chichas and Modesto Omiste, in the Department of Potosí in Bolivia.
The target group comprises 10 400 peasant families engaged in agricultural activities.
The total cost of the project is USD 17.38 million, of which USD 12.0 million is financed by IFAD. The remainder is provided through contributions from the OPEC Fund (USD 3.0 million), World Food Programme (WFP) (USD 0.5 million) and through local funds (USD 1.88 million). The main executing agency is the Potosí Regional Development Corporation.
The main components of the project are credit, fruit nurseries, marketing, land rehabilitation, small agro-industries, roads, health and support services for agricultural production. The loan was signed in 1985, and the Bolivian Government formally began implementation in 1986. However, implementation was initially very slow due to the country's difficult economic situation. In September 1990, an operational reorientation of the project was approved, changing its structure and substantially improving its management.
- Date: 1993
- Language: English and Spanish
- Document: Executive summary in English and Spanish