Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (2014) - IOE

Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (2014)
The country programme evaluation reveals that IFAD’s country programme in Ecuador has made a positive contribution to the country’s rural development through social and productive investments focused on the rural poor, the development and promotion of trade, the boosting of rural organizations, natural resource management and support to cultural diversity. In particular, the closer monitoring by IFAD through direct supervision and the presence of a liaison officer in Quito since 2008 has helped to improve the portfolio status and give a better visibility to the Fund in Ecuador.
At the same time, the evaluation identifies opportunities for IFAD to strengthen its partnership with the Government. For example, more attention will be needed to ensure the next Ecuador country strategic opportunities programme takes carefully into account the political and socioeconomic situation in the country, as well devotes more resources towards policy dialogue, knowledge management and partnerships with other donors