
Evaluation process

23 December 2014

1. Foreword

In order to increase the impact of IFAD's strategies, programmes and projects, reliable and useful feedback about ongoing and completed operations is needed, as well as the ability to analyse this feedback, derive relevant strategic implications, and ultimately, learn how to do better in the future. OE's fundamental challenge is to structure this learning process in such a way that it generates relevant knowledge for our partners; at the same time ensuring that this knowledge can and will be applied in practical and immediate ways. This is why the transformation of each evaluation into a systematic and operations-oriented learning exercise is at the core of OE's New Approach to Evaluation.

This new approach defines OE users as partners, a collaboration of multiple actors, within as well as outside IFAD, engaged in IFAD's development process. As we learn and share our knowledge in a co-operative relationship with our evaluation partners, we can increase the likelihood of our partners adopting and using our products and services. Valid findings and recommendations are relevant only when applied, and to this end, we design evaluation processes that engage and commit our partners to actions that will improve the performance of their operations. This is why OE's New Approach to Evaluation emphasises the need for evaluation to finish not merely with a publication, but with an understanding among the evaluation's partners to adopt specific findings and recommendations.

OE's New Approach to Evaluation stresses the importance that Country Programme and Thematic Evaluations/Studies can have in revisiting existing or formulating new operational policies and strategies. While project evaluations will continue to remain important, they are not necessarily the most cost-effective instrument at OE's disposal to learn how to improve the performance of our partners' operations. In the future we anticipate OE's increased involvement in dealing with issues related to evaluation of strategies and programmes at various levels.

With these ideas in mind, in 1999 OE revisited and redefined its evaluation process as a learning process, and improved two of its key evaluation products: the Thematic Evaluation/Study and the Country Programme Evaluation.

The proposed new evaluation process outlined in the following pages is meant to be an action-research experiment. The year 2000 will be a year in which we will test and validate the new evaluation processes and related procedures and attempt to discover what is needed to make these methods and tools effective instruments for our partners.

2. Why a New Evaluation Process?

Evaluations establish opportunities for organisational learning and for the improvement of policies, programmes and projects in the light of experience. But they do not automatically ensure that our partners will learn from these lessons, nor that IFAD policies, programmes or projects will be re-oriented. This is the responsibility of the Partnership (see box below): PMD staff, Borrower, CBOs and other stakeholders. We can, however, design an evaluation process that forges a stronger link between learning lessons and implementing them.

The importance of learning to the evaluation process has always been evident, but what is becoming increasingly clear is that those who are expected to use evaluation recommendations and lessons for improving performance should participate in the process of developing these recommendations. Our partners both act and reflect on their actions. Certainly an objective external point of view may be valuable to the learning process, however, the performance of operations will be enhanced by the degree to which OE's partners entrusted with the implementation of operations become the motivated learners, and are able to translate into action what they have learned through evaluation work. To be effective, our evaluation processes need to respond to this requirement.

To drive learning towards action, we are introducing three main features to the New Evaluation Process (NEP):

  • The Approach Paper as the starting point of each evaluation;
  • The concept of Core Learning Partnership to steer the evaluation process; and
  • The definition of the completion point of each evaluation process as an agreement or understanding among OE and its partner

One of the most important features of this process is the agreement from the outset on a completion point for the evaluation, which will bring the main actors together to identify and agree upon the key issues to be analysed. This will consequently lead to the formulation of lessons learned and recommendations that are most appropriate for performance improvement. The NEP also requires OE's evaluation partners to anticipate how they will use the recommendations at the end of the process. This results-oriented approach assures that the NEP will respond to the needs of the partnership.

In addition, the NEP will experiment with the use of Core Learning Partnerships (CLPs) composed of core partners that will steer the evaluation process throughout its cycle. The CLP is an informal and flexible platform for partnership, open deliberations and learning among the key stakeholders. It can range from a group of stakeholders who are consulted at various steps in the process to a clearly identified core of partners with whom we collaborate to manage the evaluation learning process. The CLP may be organised for a variety of reasons: to develop an evaluation action plan; design the stakeholder participation approach; collaborate on the design of the Approach Paper; discuss progress of the evaluation efforts; discuss findings, conclusions and recommendations, and finally, to organise the negotiations and agreements about lessons learned and recommendations and next steps to take in implementation. Although the OE team is responsible for the integrity of the final outcome of the evaluation analysis, by engaging the CLP in guiding the learning process, OE intends to increase the commitment of our evaluation partners to the final outcome of the evaluation process. The CLP will serve as a platform on effective and real time transfer of knowledge and learning generated through evaluation to design and operation.

The Approach Paper is a new instrument for OE. We have always used highly detailed Terms of Reference to guide past evaluation missions, however, the Approach Paper goes beyond this. It describes the overall framework for the evaluation, describes the process that the CLP will use throughout and the kinds of methods it might employ during each step, and finally, defines the expected results.

OE will also endeavour to keep its evaluation processes as short as feasible, while preserving analytical rigour as well as allowing enough time for discussion and interaction with all partners to stimulate joint learning. In 2000 OE will endeavour to keep the time involved between the drafting of the Approach Paper (Step 2) and the Completion Point (Step 6) within the following indicative deadlines:

Project Evaluation Six months
Thematic Evaluation/Study1 Eight months
Country Programme Evaluation Eight months


1 Excluding those TE/S that will be implemented in phases.


Burundi Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation profile #152 – French
Niger Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Profile issue #149 - French
Morocco Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Profile Issue #150-2021) – French
Uganda Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Profile Issue #151-2021)
Sierra Leone Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Profile #142-2019)
Madagascar Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Profile Issue #145-2020) – French
Impact evaluation of the Food Security and Development Support Project in the Maradi Region in Niger (Issue #141 - 2019) – French
Impact evaluation of the Food Security and Development Support Project in the Maradi Region in Niger (Profile issue #141 - 2019) – English
Profile: 2019 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Engagement in Pro-poor Value Chain Development (Issue #139-2019)
Mexico Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Profile Issue #138-2019) - Spanish
Sri Lanka Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #137-2019)
Republic of Kenya: Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #136-2018)
Impact Evaluation of the Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme in Kenya (Issue #135-2018)
Profile: Tunisia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #133-2018) - French
Profile: Tunisia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #133-2018) - English
Ecuador Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #144-2020) - Spanish
Burkina Faso: Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #135-2018) - French
Honduras: Betting on Rural Development (Issue #7 - 2002) - English
Panama: This land is our land (Issue #6 - 2002) - Spanish
IFAD thematic study on rural finance in China (Issue #3 - 2002)
Impact evaluation of the Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme (Issue #106 - 2015)
Evaluation profile: Republic of Turkey Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #111 - 2016)
India - Building peace: what role for development? (Issue #9 - 2003)
Evaluating IFAD's Country Programme in Sri Lanka (Issue #5 - 2002)
Tunisia: tuning in to farmers' needs (Issue #22-2004)
Breaking New Ground: Leasehold Forestry in Nepal (Issue #18 -2004)
Agricultural innovation: defining IFAD's role (Issue #20-2004)
Benin: Staying out of poverty (Issue #23 - 2004)
Boosting food security for poor farmers (Issue #17 - 2004)
IFAD gets closer to the ground (Issue #47 - 2007)
The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #109 - 2015)
Evaluation profile, Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Democratic Republic of the Congo (French)
Evaluation profile, Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Democratic Republic of the Congo - (English)
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #108 - 2015)
Evaluation synthesis on IFAD’s support for environment and natural resource management (Profile issue #117 - 2016)
Making a difference in Mali: performance and innovation (Issue #49-2008)
Community-driven development for rural poverty reduction (Issue #55 - 2008)
Ghana: Rooting for poor farmers (Issue #21 - 2004)
Striving for sustainability and equity (Issue #14 - 2004)
Ensuring Realistic Design: Learning from Experiences in Niger (Issue #48 - 2007)
Namibia: Better livelihood opportunities (issue #12 -2003)
Nicaragua Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #123-2017) - Spanish
Ethiopia: Providing poor people living in rural areas sustainable access to financial services (Issue #75 - 2011)
Rwanda: Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project (Issue #79-2011)
Interim evaluation of IFAD's Bokeo Food Security Project (Issue #4 - 2002)
Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #120-2016)
Evaluation Profile Viet Nam Banking on the poor? (Issue #1-2002)
The right ingredients for Making Sustainable Impact (Issue #70 - 2010)
Bridging the Digital Divide (Issue #8 - 2002)
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Unleashing the entrepreneurial talent of rural household (Issue #61 - 2009)
Lao People's Democratic Republic Supporting community initiatives to replace shifting cultivation (Issue #78 - 2011)
Remarkable impact. Will it last? Pakistan: Dir Area Support Project (Issue #53 - 2008)
Republic of the Philippines: Indigenous Peoples' Self-determination and Drive to Succeed (Issue #50 - 2008)
Rapid Change in China’s Qinling Mountains (Issue #67 - 2010)
Philippines: Banking on Grameen. Is it Viable in the Philippines? (Issue #13-2003)
Dominican Republic: South Western Region SmallFarmers Project, Phase II (Issue # 80 - 2011)
Marenass is our project (Issue #15 - 2003)
Setting up a rural credit system in post-soviet Georgia: a rocky road to follow (Issue #45 - 2007)
Romania: Apuseni development project (Issue #58-2009)
Republic of Yemen: Raymah Area Development Project (Issue #72 - 2010)
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s financial architecture (Issue #132-2018)
Evaluation profile: Cambodia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #128-2018)
Angola: Focus on small-scale family farming (Issue #131-2018) - Portuguese
Angola: Focus on small-scale family farming (Issue #131-2018) - English
Peru Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #130-2018) - Spanish
Panama: This land is our land (Issue #6 - 2002) - English
Morocco: Managing the 'commons' (Issue #11 - 2003)
Jordan: Tapping finite resources (Issue #10 - 2003)
Honduras: Betting on Rural Development (Issue #7 - 2002) - Spanish
Participation: from Words to Action (Issue #16 - 2004) - French
Participation: from Words to Action (Issue #16 - 2004) - English
The Community-initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project (Issue #52 - 2008)
Cameroon Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #129-2018) - French
Cameroon Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #129-2018) - English
Argentine Republic Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #73 - 2010) - Spanish
Argentine Republic Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #73 - 2010) - English
IFAD’s performance and impact in decentralizing environments: Experiences from Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda ( Issue #36 - 2005)
Profile: Evaluation Manual second edition
Supporting decentralized rural development (Issue #85 - 2012)
Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #95 - 2014) - Spanish
Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #95 - 2014) - English
Mali Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #87 - 2013) - French
Mali Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #87 - 2013) - English
Madagascar Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #90 - 2013) - French
Madagascar Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #90 - 2013) - English
Senegal Country Programme evaluation (Issue #97 - 2014)
Senegal Country Programme evaluation (Issue #97 - 2014) - French
Federative Republic of Brazil: Country Programme Evaluation - Profile (Issue #107 - 2015) - Portuguese
Federative Republic of Brazil: Country Programme Evaluation - Profile (Issue #107 - 2015) - English
Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #105 - 2016)
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #113 - 2016)
Evaluation profile (Issue #100 - 2014)
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - English
Evaluation Profile: Rural poverty reduction in a middle-income country (Issue #51 - 2008)
Republic of Mozambique country strategy and programme evaluation (Issue #124 – 2017) - Portuguese
Republic of Mozambique country strategy and programme evaluation (Issue #124 – 2017) - English
Mozambique: Niassa Agricultural Development Project (Issue #46 - 2007)
Corporate-level evaluation on the IFAD Policy for Grant Financing (Issue # 99 - 2014)
Alleviating rural poverty in a fragile environment (Issue #89 - 2013)
Evaluating IFAD's Country Programme in Syria (Issue #2 - 2002)
Albania: Mountain Areas Development Programme (Issue #57 - 2008)
Ethiopia: Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #59 - 2009)
IFAD Replenishments Corporate-level evaluation (Issue #92 - 2014)
IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results (Issue #125-2017)
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Decentralization Experience (issue #119 - 2016)
Enhancing partnerships in development: IFAD support to South-South cooperation (Issue #116-2016)
The Sudan: Country Programme Evaluation 2008/9 (Issue #62 - 2009)
Kingdom of Morocco: Country programme evaluation (Issue #54-2008)
Providing finance for commercial farming (Issue #94)
Impact evaluation of the Agricultural Support Project in Georgia (Issue #127 - 2017)
Tunisia: Integration Disintegrated (Issue #25 - 2004)
Argentina: Rural Development Project for the Northeastern Provinces (Issue #63 - 2009)
Going organic: an attractive alternative for small farmers? (Issue #19-2004)
Republic of Guatemala: Inducing development in a post-conflict setting (Issue #65 - 2009)
Brazil: A multi-dimensional approach to rural poverty reduction (Issue #77 - 2011)
Philippines: Helping indigenous people and the poor in upland, coastal and agrarian-reform lowland areas (Issue #65-2009)
Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Country programme evaluation (Issue #56 - 2008)
Seizing Strategic Opportunities for Rural Poverty Alleviation (Issue #91 - 2014)
India Country Programme Evaluation (#114 - 2016)
Effective Partnership between India and IFAD (Issue #68 - 2010)
Promoting commercial smallholder agriculture (issue #88 - 2013)
From reconstruction to growth in Rwanda (Issue #83 - 2012)
Tanzania's rural poor: Making it to market (Issue#81 - 2011)
Mozambique country programme evaluation: Developing capacity from scratch in rural areas (Issue #69 - 2010)
Successful integrated rural development in Madagascar (Issue #60 - 2009)
Impact Evaluation of Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project (Profile issue #122)
United Republic of Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #103 - 2015)
Ghana Rural Enterprises Project, Phase II (Issue #82 - 2011)
Alleviating poverty through natural resources management (Issue #76 - 2011)
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation Profile (2012)
Evaluation Profile République du Bénin Projet d'activités génératrices de revenus (PAGER)
Increased productivity of roots and tubers in Benin (Issue #71 - 2010)
Evaluation Synthesis on IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-Income Countries: Profile (Issue #96-2014)
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS) (issue #112 - 2016)
Profile: Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states and situations (Issue #104-2015)
Plurinational State of Bolivia: Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #102 - 2015) - Spanish
Plurinational State of Bolivia: Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #102 - 2015) - English
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2017
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2016
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2015
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2014
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2012
Niger Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Insight issue #61 - French
Enseignements No 64 Burundi
De la gestion durable des ressources naturelles à l’adaptation au changement climatique au Maroc : Enseignements tirés des appuis du FIDA (Insight Issue #61) – French
Managing social and environmental challenges in value chain initiatives (Insights Issue #63)
For inclusive sustainable growth – beyond asset transfer and skills training (Insights Issue #65-2021)
Sierra Leone: Bringing financial services closer to rural populations in Sierra Leone (Insight #56-2019)
La promotion de la microentreprise rurale: quel apport du FIDA? (Insight Issue #59-2020) – French
Ecuador: Fortaleciendo las oportunidades para los productores de pequeña escala en las transformaciones rurales del país (Issue 58-2020) – Spanish
Supporting Inclusive Commercialization of Agriculture in Nepal (Insight Issue #57-2019)
Mexico Apoyo a Comunidades, Ejidos y Pequeños Productores Rurales Pobres en la Gestión de Recursos Naturales y Adaptación al Cambio Climático (Insight Issue #55-2019)
Sri Lanka Partnerships between agribusinesses and smallholder farmers (Issue #54-2019)
Kenya: IFAD ’s support to smallholder agricultural value chains in Kenya (Issue #53-2018)
Tunisia: Innovative development approaches in Tunisia for rural poverty reduction (Issue #51-2018) - French
Burkina Faso: Accès effectif et durable des petits producteurs et ruraux pauvres burkinabè aux crédits offerts par des institutions de microfinance (Issue #52-2018) - French
Beyond the framework (Issue #1 - 2003)
Tunisia: Innovative development approaches in Tunisia for rural poverty reduction (Issue #51-2018) - English
Cameroon: Behind every data point there is a human story (Issue #49-2018) - English
Evaluation insight: Republic of Turkey - Addressing challenges in inclusive and sustainable development (Issue #40 - 2016)
Microfinance in Georgia and IFAD’s role in the sector (issue #47 - 2017)
Decentralized project implementation coordinated at the central government level (Issue #16 - 2011) - Spanish
Decentralized project implementation coordinated at the central government level (Issue #16 - 2011) - English
Country context and the impact of IFAD-funded activities (Insight - Issue #8)
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation insight - Issue #42, 2016
Cambodia - Evaluation insight: Considerations when targeting the rural poor and using a group-based approach (Issue #48-2018)
Angola: A partnership for Farmer Field Schools in Angola (Issue #50-2018) - English
Angola: A partnership for Farmer Field Schools in Angola (Issue #50-2018) - Portuguese
Corporate-level Evaluation on IFAD Replenishments (Issue #28 - 2014) - English
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states and situations (issue #36 - 2015) - English
Grants in other international financial institutions: lessons for IFAD (Issue #32 - 2014 ) - English
Communautés pastorales de la région de Matam (#30 - 2014)
Cameroon: Behind every data point there is a human story (Issue #49-2018) - French
IFAD support for the development of rural enterprises in Viet Nam - work in progress (Issue #20 - 2012)
Ecuador: Challenges and opportunities in an evolving country context (Issue #27 - 2014) - English
Ecuador: Challenges and opportunities in an evolving country context (Issue #27 - 2014) - Spanish
Federative Republic of Brazil Country Programme Evaluation: Insight (Issue #37 - 2015) - Portuguese
Federative Republic of Brazil Country Programme Evaluation: Insight (Issue #37 - 2015) - English
The Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - Knowledge management stimulates innovation and bridges the gap between grants and loan projects (Issue #45-2016)
Evaluation insights: Promoting private-sector partnerships in Zambia (Issue #33 - 2014)
Enseignements: Crises, conflits et développement rural dans le Nord du Mali (Numéro 22, mai 2013)
Evaluation insight: Crises, conflicts and rural development in the north of Mali (Issue #22 - 2013)
Evaluation insight: Support to the monitoring and strategic management of the programme and non-lending activities: lessons from the IFAD country programme in Madagascar (Number 25, October 2013)
Enseignements: Appui au suivi et à la gestion stratégique du programme et aux activités hors prêt: leçons du programme de pays du FIDA à Madagascar (Numéro 25, octobre 2013)
Evaluation insight: Better targetting of vulnerable populations (Issue #44 - 2016)
Enseignements: Pour un meilleur ciblage des populations vulnérables (Numéro 44, Octobre 2016)
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - English
Evaluation insight: The role of IFAD in a middle-income country such as Brazil (Issue #5 - 2008)
Pastoral communities in Matam region (Issue #30 2014)
Mozambique: Rome-based agencies collaborating to improve nutrition in Mozambique (Issue #46 - 2017) - Portuguese
Mozambique: Rome-based agencies collaborating to improve nutrition in Mozambique (Issue #46 - 2017) - English
Agricultural commercialization in Nepal’s hills and mountains (Issue #24 - 2013)
Ethiopia Country programme evaluation: Using a programmatic approach to lending (Issue #38 - 2015)
The Gambia country programme evaluation IFAD’s targeting strategies in The Gambia (Issue #39 - 2015)
Delegation of authority is essential to a successful country presence (Issue #3)
Enhancing sustainability of development benefits in Sudan (Issue #11 - 2009)
Targeting and community development approaches: IFAD’s experience in Morocco (Issue #6 - 2008)
The potential of conservation farming for adaptation to climate change (Issue #28 - 2014)
Plurinational State of Bolivia - Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #34 - 2014) - Spanish
Plurinational State of Bolivia - Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #34 - 2014) - English
Brazil: System-building and leveraging state policies for the development of family agriculture (Issue #17 - 2011)
A Winning Development Strategy? (Issue #2 - 2003)
Operating in remote disadvantaged and conflict-affected areas of Pakistan (Issue #9 - 2008)
Small farmer poverty amidst Indonesia’s rising prosperity (Issue #26 - 2014)
Republic of India Country Programme Evaluation Innovative solutions to improve productivity of rainfed (Issue #43 – 2016)
Empowering women through self-help groups (Issue #13 - 2010)
What might agricultural interventions bring to tribal people? (Issue #12 - 2010)
Rural cooperatives substantially increase their outreach to the poorest rural people in partnership with IFAD (Issue #15 - 2011)
People’s Republic of Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation: Policy engagement and strategic partnership for greater impact (Issue #41 - 2016)
Value chain development through public-private partnerships: opportunities and challenges for small farmers (Issue #23 - 2013)
Farm intensification, crop diversification and non- farming jobs in Rwanda (Issue #18 - 2012)
Working through an agricultural sector-wide approach and a project-modality - IFAD’s experience in Tanzania (Issue #35 - 2015)
Mozambique country programme evaluation: Improving the market participation of smallholders and artisanal fishers (Issue #14 - 2010)
Matching grants: a smarter way to subsidize rural finance? (Issue #19 - 2012)
Key elements for supporting the renewed focus on agricultural productivity and small-scale agricultural development in Nigeria (Issue #10 - 2009)
The demand-driven approach: advantages and risks (Issue #4 - 2008)
Malawi CSPE - infographic
Infographic (March 2019) - Spanish
Infographic: Tunisia country strategy and programme evaluation
Infographic: Evaluation on IFAD’s Engagement in Pro-poor Value Chain Development - Corporate-level evaluation
Infographic: CLE on IFAD's Performance-based Allocation System (2005-2015)
Infographic: CLE IFAD's decentralization experience
Infographic: Kenya - Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Infographic: Kenya Impact Evaluation of the smallholder horticulture marketing programme
Infographic: Sri Lanka - Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Infographic: Burkina Faso country strategy and programme evaluation - French
Infographic: Turkey Country programme evaluation
Infographic : Impact Evaluation of Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project
Infographic: Georgia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Infographic: IFAD’s financial architecture - Corporate-level evaluation
Infographic Angola country strategy and programme evaluation – English
Infographic Angola country strategy and programme evaluation – Portuguese
Infographic: Cambodia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation infographic
Infographic: Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation
Infographic: Peru Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - Spanish
Infographic: The Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Arab Republic of Egypt Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - Infographic
Infographic: United Republic of Tanzania Country programme evaluation
Infographic: Nigeria Country programme evaluation
Infographic: Mozambique country strategy and programme evaluation - Portuguese
Infographic: Mozambique country strategy and programme evaluation - English
Infographic: Evaluaciòn de la Estrategia y el Programa en el País - Repùblica de Nicaragua (1999-2016)
Infographic: Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation
Infographic: Impact evaluation of the Agricultural Support Project in Georgia
Infographic: IFAD’s Approach to Evaluation Capacity Development
Infographic: Democratic Republic of Congo Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Infographic: India Country Programme Evaluation
Infographic: IFAD’s Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-affected States and Situations - Corporate-level evaluation
Infographic: 2017 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations
Approach paper: Georgia Country strategy and programme evaluation
Approach paper: Republic of Mozambique - Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project
Approach paper: Georgia - Agricultural Support Project
Approach paper: FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development
Approach paper: Non-lending Activities in the Context of South-South Cooperation - Evaluation Synthesis
Approach paper: Smallholder Access to Markets: Evaluation Synthesis
Approach paper: IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results
Approach paper: IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
Approach paper: Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results
Approach paper - IFAD’s support to livelihoods involving aquatic resources from small-scale fisheries, small-scale aquaculture and coastal zones
Approach paper – IFAD’s Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-affected States and Situations
Morocco: Rural development project in the eastern middle atlas mountains (French version)
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's performance-based allocation system Draft approach paper
Georgia: Rural Development Programme for Mountainous and Highland Areas
The Philippines: Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP)
Republic of Zambia
United Republic of Tanzania
République du Sénégal - french version
Republic of Moldova
Republic of Indonesia
The Gambia
People's Republic of China
Plurinational State of Bolivia
Republic of India Country Programme Evaluation
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Approach Paper The Republic of Turkey Country Programme Evaluation
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Draft approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation on efficiency
IFAD Policy for Grant Financing Corporate-level evaluation Approach paper
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s replenishments:
IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support Corporate-level Evaluation Approach Paper
The Philippines
Kingdom of Cambodia
Viet Nam: Pro-poor Partnerships for Agroforestry Development Project
Palestinian Authority Natural Resources Management Programme
Sri Lanka: Post -Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme
Republica de Perú: Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de los ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur Evaluación de los Resultados de Proyecto
Nicaragua: National Agricultural Technology and Training Programme - Technical Assistance Fund
Maldives: Post-Tsunami Agriculture and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme
Malawi: Rural Livelihoods Support Programme
Lesotho: Rural Financial Intermediation Programme
Republic of Ghana: Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP)
Approach paper: Democratic Republic of Congo Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Cambodia: Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri
Republic of Mozambique
Laos: Northern Region Sustainable Livelihoods Through Livestock Development Project
Guyana: Rural enterprise and agricultural development project
ESN Targeting in IFAD-supported projects
ESN Targeting - Report
Approach paper: Smallholder Access to Markets: Evaluation Synthesis
Approach paper: IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results
Approach paper: IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
Approach paper: Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results
Approach paper - IFAD’s support to livelihoods involving aquatic resources from small-scale fisheries, small-scale aquaculture and coastal zones
Infographic: Evaluation synthesis report on IFAD's support to fisheries
Infographic: IFAD's Engagement with Indigenous Peoples - Evaluation Synthesis
ECG paper on Gender equality and development evaluation units
Evaluation synthesis brief
Concept note
What Works for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A review of practices and results in IFAD
ESRs at a glance - French
Full report
Executive summary
Executive summary
Full document
Full document
Executive summary
Full document
Executive summary
Executive summary
Executive summary
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - Spanish
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - French
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - English
Full document
Full document
Executive summary
Executive summary
Full document
Executive summary
Full document
Executive summary
Full document
Full document
Full document
IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results (Issue #125-2017)
Extract from the Agreement at Completion Point
Agreement at Completion Point
Portoguese version
Community Organizations and Empowerment
The Adoption of Organic Agriculture Among Small Farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean - Spanish
Full document
Full document
Full document
Uganda Country Programme Evaluation - Agreement at completion point
Ethiopia Country Porgramme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point
Agreement at Completion Point: Islamic Republic of The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation
Network of IFAD-supported projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA) - Phase II - spanish
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point: India Country Programme Evaluation
Republic of Chad - Ouadis of Kanem agricultural development project - interim evaluation- Full document (french)
République du Sénégal: Projet de développement agricole dans le département de Matam (PRODAM) - Rapport d’évaluation intermédiaire
West Noubaria Rural Development Project Agreement at Completion Point
Full document
Rural Livelihoods Support Programme Agreement at Completion Point
Agreement at completion point

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Evaluation process
September 2013
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