Evaluation Process and Methodology - IOE
Evaluation Process and Methodology
Evaluation Process
Core Learning Partnership
For each evaluation OE forms a Core Learning Partnership (CLP), comprising representatives of the main users of the evaluation results drawn from government, beneficiary groups, project staff, non-government organizations, IFAD management and OE. The CLP provides a platform for key stakeholders for dialogue and reflection during the evaluation process, an ongoing opportunity to deepen understanding of the evaluation findings and subsequent conclusions. The CLP also collaborates in the design of the Approach Paper, discusses the draft evaluation report, and most importantly agrees on the recommendations and division of labour and responsibilities for their implementation. The agreement is recorded in the Agreement at Completion Point (see below).
Agreement at Completion Point
The Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is an integral part of every evaluation conducted by OE. It is a record of concrete, feasible recommendations agreed by the CLP, a testimony to the stakeholders' commitment to put the recommendations into practice within a broad action plan that assigns responsibilities and deadlines. The ACP encourages accountability and transparency and aims to close the ‘learning loop' by ensuring that recommendations are supported by key stakeholders who are thus motivated to put them into practice with a view to improving project performance and impact. In addition, learning and knowledge generated by the evaluation is officially acknowledged and internalized by IFAD and its partners.