GIS Technical note on the use of GIS from the Ethiopia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - IOE

GIS Technical note on the use of GIS from the Ethiopia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has published the GIS Training Note and Lessons on the use of GIS from the Ethiopia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation. This Training Note builds on the guidance previously produced by IOE, by providing a list of training materials and information facilities.
It also provides an example of the application of GIS in the recent country strategy and programme evaluation (CSPE) of IFAD’s support in Ethiopia, specifically on the Participatory Small-scale Irrigation Development Programme II (PASIDP II). In this example, GIS helped the evaluation by providing a spatial framework to overlay project activities, monitor progress, and analyse geographical patterns. GIS also contributed by enabling accurate measurement and visualization of key indicators, such as land use changes and crop yields. This enhanced the accuracy of reporting and provided stakeholders with clear visualizations of project impacts.