Indonesia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation – Virtual National Workshop - IOE
The Government of Indonesia and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE), in collaboration with IFAD’s Asia and the Pacific Division (APR), organized a virtual national workshop for the Indonesia Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (CSPE), as a final step in the evaluation process.
The virtual event took place on 18 March 2022 and entailed the participation of representatives of the Government, development partners, civil society organizations, private sector partners, and IFAD senior management and staff.
Inaugurating the event, the welcome remarks and opening statement were delivered respectively by Ms Dian Lestari, Director of the Center for Climate Change Finance and Multilateral Policy, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, and Ms Rd. Siliwanti, Director of Multilateral Funding Cooperation, Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia. Dr Indran Naidoo, Director, IOE, gave an introductory statement. Mr Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD, pronounced a statement on behalf of IFAD Management.
Ms Jeanette Cooke, Evaluation Analyst, and Ms Dee Jupp, independent consultant, presented the CSPE’s main findings, conclusions and recommendations.
A plenary discussion on key topics then took place, with Ms Valerie Julliand, UN Resident Coordinator for the Republic of Indonesia, who talked about “IFAD role under the UN Mandate, collaborative work and knowledge sharing for SDGs”; Mr Ade Candradijaya, Director for International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, who spoke about the “Key elements for effective project design, start-up, and implementation of IFAD-supported projects”; and a final statement delivered on behalf of Mr Jiro Tominaga, Asian Development Bank Country Director, about “Learnings and potentials for building partnerships in Indonesia”.
Before the conclusion of the event, Mr Ivan Cossio, IFAD Country Director for Indonesia, reflected on the “future directions for the Indonesia country strategy and programme”; Mr Nigel Brett, Regional Director ad interim, APR, Programme Management Department, IFAD, pronounced a final statement.
Closing the event, Dr Naidoo and Ms Siliwanti delivered closing remarks.
The workshop was moderated by Ms Ranny Rachmadani and was attended by over 116 participants.
The recording of the event is available here.