Administrative Associate
French, English, Italian
+39 06 5459 2027
BTS in Communication Camille Saint-Saëns Rouen, France
Laure has 18 years experience in IFAD. She joined IOE in 2012 where she is currently Administrative Associate to the Deputy Director. Her responsibilities include organization of Evaluation Committee sessions with Member State representatives, national workshops together with governments, and team mission logistics. Prior to this, she has assisted the Director of IOE, and has also been responsible for administration and logistics for evaluations in various countries across Africa and Asia. Within IFAD, she was previously a Programme Assistant in the West and Central Africa and the former Policy and Technical Advisory Divisions.
18 years of working experience in administration in IFAD.
9 years experience in supporting independent evaluations.
2020 Rome, Italy
2019 Rome, Italy
2012 Rome, Italy
2009 Rome, Italy
2007 Rome, Italy
2003 Rome, Italy
Administrative Associate to the Deputy Director Independent Office of Evaluation IFAD
Administrative Associate to the Director Independent Office of Evaluation IFAD
Evaluation Assistant Independent Office of Evaluation IFAD
Project Assistant Policy and Technical Advisory Division IFAD
Programme Assistant West and Central Africa Division IFAD
French proof-reader and typist Office of the Secretary IFAD