Netrakona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management Project - IOE

Netrakona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management Project
Project Completion Evaluation
There is evidence that sustainable changes have been brought about by the project. Assessing the effects of new technology and training, an impact survey used by the evaluation shows that 85 percent of respondents now use the skills and knowledge they received from training and will continue to do so.
Farmers have developed orchards and vegetable gardens and are growing new types of vegetables, which provide increased yields and higher incomes. Between 1995 and 2000 the amount of land used to grow vegetables increased by 186 percent from 2,750 to 8,950 hectares.
Ten years ago cauliflower and radishes were not available in local markets; today, a surplus is sold as far afield as Dhaka. In addition, new training and community centres facilitate communication on marketing issues or availability of social services.
However, implementation was far from participatory: greater expertise in participatory development and group mobilisation is needed in future projects of this kind. Equally, the potential for livestock development should be given higher priority and where NGOs are involved in government projects more effective coordination between the two is vital.