Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme - IOE

Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme
The programme made substantial progress in achieving its land restoration targets in spite of frequent disruptions due to the challenging context. It restored over 10,700 dunums (1,070 hectares) of land, reaching 1,480 households. In addition, through the programme’s credit activities, more than 600 households were able to access financing for existing and new enterprises for on-farm and off-farm activities.
On the other hand, the land-centric approach had implications for the programme’s targeting efforts. Potential beneficiaries with little or no access to land (women, youth, marginal landholders and landless) were not sufficiently included in the programme’s activities.
The evaluation recommends that future projects in Palestine pay more attention to off-farm activities in order that poorer and more marginalized segments of the population can also be reached. This will also enhance the resilience of the target population to future shocks in the Palestinian context.