Review of the implementation of Management’s response to the 2018 corporate-level evaluation of IFAD’s financial architecture - IOE

Review of the implementation of Management’s response to the 2018 corporate-level evaluation of IFAD’s financial architecture
Reviews are a new evaluation product introduced by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) that provide timely feedback to the management through concise, action-oriented assessments.
This review assesses the implementation of IFAD Management’s response to the 2018 corporate-level evaluation (CLE) of IFAD’s financial architecture. The 2018 CLE was chosen for review because a sound financial architecture is central to enabling IFAD to fulfil its mandate and to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, and also because the effects of IFAD’s response to the 2018 CLE have become measurable. The findings of this review come at a crucial time, when the demand for substantial increases in funding to achieve the SDGs is growing amidst reductions in the development budgets of major donors.