Rural Youth Evaluation synthesis report - IOE

Rural Youth Evaluation synthesis report
Evaluation Synthesis. IFAD started enhancing its focus on rural youth in the last decade and particularly in 2010, when the Strategic Framework for the period 2011–2015 reflected the Fund's attention and commitment in promoting rural youth development. Overall, among the projects selected for this evaluation, about 83 per cent of past pro-youth projects targeted rural youth explicitly and 42 per cent included youth-specific activities. The evaluation also highlights that IFAD is equipped with ad-hoc strategies, policies and guidelines to work with rural youth. Looking forward, the evaluation offers a number of reflections for IFAD, to ensure that rural youth plays a catalyst role in rural transformation and agricultural sustainability: mainstreaming youth across country programmes in all regions; investing in the update of the knowledge base on youth and adequate socio-economic profiling; resolving the issue of efficiency versus equity upfront at design stage in terms of target group identification; adopting systematically age-disaggregated monitoring indicators, to foster IFAD's learning and replication processes; and enhancing strategic partnerships to support the scaling up of successful and innovative models.