Syrian Arab Republic Country Programme Evaluation - IOE
Syrian Arab Republic Country Programme Evaluation
Background and Rationale
The IFAD Near East and North Africa Division (PN) is planning to prepare a new country strategic opportunities paper (COSOP) for Syria in 2001 to launch a new programming cycle. The division requested the Office of Evaluation and Studies (OE) to undertake a country portfolio evaluation (CPE) as a prelude to the strategy formulation process. The purpose of this CPE is to assess the Syria/IFAD cooperation experience and derive strategic and operational directions for the future and present portfolio of projects.
Cooperation between Syria and IFAD started in 1982. Since then, the Fund has financed five projects in Syria, with a total cost of USD 360 million, of which IFAD loans amount to USD 80 million. Cofinanciers have been the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) (USD 145 million), the World Bank (USD 10 million), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (USD 3 million) and the Government of Syria (USD 101 million) and the Cooperative Agriculture Bank (USD 11 million). AFESD is the cofinancier and cooperating institution (CI) for the four ongoing projects, and the World Bank was the CI for the first, and the only closed, project.
Closely following the new approach to evaluation, the CPE consisted of an assessment with partners of the progress and impact of the portfolio. In the preparatory stage, a background paper was completed on available project design, implementation, evaluation and policy documents. This served as a starting point for the CPE. Next, a brief field reconnaissance mission visited Syria to discuss with partners their expectations, priorities, desired focus and modus operandi of the CPE. The results of this were compiled in an approach paper that included specification of the main CPE issues, methodology, mission composition and the core learning partnership (CLP).
Fielded during May/June 2000, the CPE mission traveled extensively in all five project areas and used participatory methodology to assess portfolio achievements. The mission concluded its fieldwork with a national-level evaluation workshop designed to allow participants to discuss the preliminary findings with a wide range of partners, including IFAD staff from OE and PN, CI staff, government and project staff, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and donors/partners. The results of the workshop directed the main emphasis of the CPE report. The completion agreement is expected to be finalized at the CPE round-table workshop, to be held in Damascus during the first half of
2001 with the participation of evaluation committee members.