EvalNet/Deval Workshop on Country Programme Evaluations and Reviews - IOE
The event was jointly conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) EvalNet and the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) from 28 February to 1 March 2019 in Paris, France.
The aim of the workshop was to share and discuss challenges, experiences, lessons learned and good practices in planning, conducting and using country programme evaluations (CPE) and country programme reviews (CPR) in development cooperation among OECD-DAC EvalNet members. The workshop centred on forward looking analytical tools assessing relevance and coherence of country programmes.
Johanna Pennarz, IOE Lead Evaluator, presented IFAD experiences as part of a panel discussion on the use of CPEs, partner involvement and collaboration with other development partners ("Challenges and emerging questions of CPE/CPR”).