
Resultados de la búsqueda

Southwest Region Agricultural Rehabilitation Project
marzo 1992
Mid-term Evaluation Although agriculture is the dominant sector of Uganda's economy, less than 30% of the total arable area is presently under cultivation. The country suffered considerably in the...
Smallholders Credit and Marketing Project
febrero 1992
The Kingdom of Swaziland is a small land-locked country situated in the south-eastern part of the African continent and almost entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The economy...
Yemen Country Portfolio Evaluation (1992)
enero 1992
Evaluation purpose and scope Responding to an Executive Board request, it was decided that Country Portfolio Evaluations (CPEs) be carried out in countries where a substantial amount of experience...
Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural para las Comunidades Guaymí (1991)
diciembre 1991
Resumen estructurado del informe de evaluación El proyecto se encuentra localizado en la región central del oeste de Panamá, al norte de la carretera panamericana y en la falda de la Cordillera...
Idiomas: English, Spanish
Atolls Credit and Development Baning Project (1991)
diciembre 1991
Completion Evaluation Project area The project was designed to cover 15 out of 19 outer atolls in the Northern and South-Central regions. The project area comprised: Haa Alifu, Haa Dhaalu,...
Agricultural Marketing and Credit Project
noviembre 1991
Lesotho, with a total area of around 30 000 Km2, is a landlocked country, surrounded by the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The average annual population growth rate is 2.63% over a population of...
South Simbu Rural Development Project (1991)
Papua Nueva Guinea  
septiembre 1991
Interim Evaluation Report Background The project area consists of two quite diverse districts, particularly in terms of access, population pressure and ethnic groupings. The districts lie south of...
Small Farmers Credit Project (1991)
septiembre 1991
Completion Evaluation Given that a second phase of the Small Farmers Credit Project (SFCP) for Jamaica (Loan No. 100-JA) was under consideration, IFAD's Monitoring and Evaluation Division carried...
The Northern Region Agricultural Rehabilitation Project (1991)
septiembre 1991
Interim Evaluation Background The project area consists of a narrow fringe of land along the Nile in northern Sudan and covers about 120 000 feddans (fd) or 50 000 hectares with about 100 villages....
Oaxaca Integrated Rural Development Project - Ex-post evaluation(1991)
mayo 1991
Ex-post evaluation Área rural de la Chatina (en Juquila y Sola de Vega), Miahuatlán y Pochutla, Estado de Oaxaca. Es una de las más pobres del Estado de Oaxaca, que es -a su vez- uno de los estados...
Idiomas: English, Spanish
Integrated Rural Development Project (1991)
abril 1991
Mid-term evaluation This report distils and synthesizes the principal findings and recommendations of partial evaluations by IFAD consultants of the Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP),...
Projet de Développement Rural de l'Atacora
marzo 1991
La zone du projet, la préfecture d'Atacora, est caractérisée par une grande diversité agro-écologique. Elle est en fait constituée de 4 sous régions très différentes: la zone cotonnière à l'Est...
Projet de développement rural de la région de Siguiri
marzo 1991
Le projet concerne une partie (4 sous préfectures sur 12) de la préfecture de Siguiri en Haute Guinée. Cette région est la moins arrosée du pays (moins de 1.300 mm) mais bénéficie des crues du...
Idiomas: English, French
Desarrollo Rural Integrado de la Region Pronorte (1990)
diciembre 1990
Evaluación pre-terminal Evaluación El Proyecto Rural Integrado de la región Pronorte (PRONORTE) se ha desarrollado en un contexto extremamente complejo: guerra, muy alta inflación, escasez crítica...
Idiomas: English, Spanish
Agricultural Credit for Phase III of a Programme (1990)
El Salvador  
diciembre 1990
Antecedentes La evaluación final del Proyecto de Crédito Agropecuario (Préstamo 163-ES) se llevó a cabo en noviembre - diciembre de 1990, con el propósito de obtener lecciones de la experiencia de...
Idiomas: English, Spanish
North Western Province Area Development Project - Interim evaluation report
noviembre 1990
The project is national in scope, but concentrated on high priority areas to the benefit of the majority of agricultural and fishery small-scale producers. Given the prevailing insecurity at the...
Smallholder Rehabilitation and Development Programme
marzo 1990
Mid-term evaluation The major part of the programme was to be concentrated in three adjacent districts of the Northern Region. The volume and period of rains varies widely (drought in 1982-83,...
Projet fonds de développement villageois de Ségou
marzo 1990
Résumé du rapport d'évaluation intermédiaire La zone du projet est le cercle de Ségou (à l'exception de ses zones irriguées), situé dans la quatrième région du Mali. On constate une baisse de la...
Idiomas: English, French
