Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation - National round-table workshop - IOE
The Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) co-organized a national round-table workshop for the Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation, as a final step in the evaluation process. The event was held on 07 June 2015 in Dhaka.
Around 100 participants attended including, senior government officials, project staff, representatives of multilateral and bilateral organizations, beneficiaries, academic and research organizations, and others. The IFAD delegation included Director IOE and Director Asia and the Pacific Division (APR).The Chief Guest was Honourable Mr M.A. Mannan, State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Planning.
The objectives of the Bangladesh CPE national round-table workshop were to:
- discuss the main issues emerging from the Bangladesh CPE;
- provide inputs for the preparation of the evaluation's Agreement at Completion Point (ACP); and
- provide an opportunity for reflecting on key issues for the forthcoming Bangladesh Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP).
Prior to the workshop, the IFAD delegation from Rome visited the IFAD-funded project, Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project-Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (HILIP-CALIP). This visit offered the delegation an opportunity to interact with beneficiaries, project staff, district-level government authorities and visit project activities.