Book Launch: Information and Communication Technologies for Development Evaluation – Washington, D.C. - IOE
The Inter-American Development Bank hosted the launch of the new book “Information and Communication Technologies for Development Evaluation”. The book provides insights into the implications of new and emerging technologies in development evaluation and particularly the challenges of charting progress towards Agenda 2030.
The book is the latest issue of Routledge Studies in Development Economics and was edited by Oscar Garcia, Director, IOE, and Prashanth Kotturi, Evaluation Analyst, IOE. It presents important contributions made by a team of expert practitioners as the result of an international conference on this topic that IFAD hosted in 2017.
The event was held on Tuesday, 22 October 2019 from 11:00-12:30 (Eastern Standard Time) at the Inter-American Development Bank headquarters. It aimed to foster International dialogue and exchange of knowledge through a panel discussion on innovative solutions for evidence-driven development.
The discussion was chaired by Ivory Yong-Protzel, Director of Office of Evaluation and Oversight, Inter-American Development Bank. Panellists included: Geeta Batra, Deputy Director and Chief Evaluation Officer, Global Environment Facility; Jawoo Koo, Senior research fellow and Co-founder of CGIAR Big Data Platform, International Food Policy Research Institute; and Samantha Custer, Director of Policy Analysis, AidData.