The Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) co-organized a national round-table workshop for the China country programme evaluation, as a final step in the evaluation process.

The event was held on 17 July 2014 in Beijing and focused on the strategic issues that emerged from the evaluation. It provided an opportunity to reflect on the main aspects for the new results-based country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) for China and supply inputs for the preparation of the evaluation's agreement at completion point.

Around 100 participants attended including senior Government officials, project staff, representatives of multilateral and bilateral organizations, academic and research organizations, and others. The IFAD delegation was comprised of the AVP PMD, OIC IOE, Deputy Director IOE, Director APR, and other staff. Moreover, the IFAD Executive Board Director of China, and the Chairman (representative of Indonesia) of the Evaluation Committee of the Board also took part in the event. 

In the morning of 14 July, the IFAD delegation held a bilateral meeting with Hon. Shi Yaobin, Vice Minister for the Ministry of Finance.

The visiting IFAD delegation also undertook a field visit on 14-16 July to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Rural Advancement Programme. This visit offered an opportunity to directly hold discussions with beneficiaries and their groups, programme staff, provincial-level government authorities and others, as well as to see programme activities on the ground.

Closing statement of the Government of China by Dr Zhang Zhengwei, IFAD Board Director for China
Findings and recommendations of the China CPE, Mr Ashwani Muthoo, Deputy Director, IOE
Working group 3: IFAD-China partnership in South-South and triangular cooperation for poverty reduction: Opportunities, approaches and IFAD’s role
Working group 1: IFAD’s future priorities and operations in China, in light of its middle-income country status
Concept note
Working group 2: The role of non-lending activities for promoting pro-poor innovation and scaling up for wider impact on rural poverty
Workshop opening remarks by Mr Kees Tuinenburg, Officer-in-Charge, Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE)
Closing statement by Matteo Marchisio, IFAD Country Programme Manager for China, APR
Statement by Mr John McIntire, Associate Vice President, PMD, IFAD

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