
IFAD Replenishments Evaluation

12 junio 2014

The corporate-Level evaluation reveals that replenishment consultations are critical for IFAD's financial sustainability and also provide a unique platform to ensure accountability for results and collective reflection on IFAD policy and strategic priorities. In particular, the changes introduced in the Ninth Replenishment of IFAD Resources have further strengthened the effectiveness and efficiency of the Fund's replenishment processes. At the same time, the evaluation identifies some areas for further development. On the financing side, IFAD would need to intensify its ongoing efforts to mobilize additional resources beyond replenishment contributions to meet the increasing demand for its assistance in all recipient countries. Moreover, the current representation system of IFAD Member States in the replenishment consultations might require some adjustments to better reflect the existing geopolitical and economic landscape. Finally, the evaluation also highlights the value for IFAD to simplify the current results measurement framework, including by more explicitly defining a theory of change for achieving rural transformation.


Approach paper: Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Replenishments
Executive summary
Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #95 - 2014) - Spanish
Ecuador Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #95 - 2014) - English
Senegal Country Programme evaluation (Issue #97 - 2014)
Senegal Country Programme evaluation (Issue #97 - 2014) - French
Evaluation profile (Issue #100 - 2014)
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation profile: A strong partnership for rural poverty reduction (Issue #98 - 2014) - English
Corporate-level evaluation on the IFAD Policy for Grant Financing (Issue # 99 - 2014)
IFAD Replenishments Corporate-level evaluation (Issue #92 - 2014)
Providing finance for commercial farming (Issue #94)
Seizing Strategic Opportunities for Rural Poverty Alleviation (Issue #91 - 2014)
Evaluation Synthesis on IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-Income Countries: Profile (Issue #96-2014)
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2014
Corporate-level Evaluation on IFAD Replenishments (Issue #28 - 2014) - English
Grants in other international financial institutions: lessons for IFAD (Issue #32 - 2014 ) - English
Communautés pastorales de la région de Matam (#30 - 2014)
Ecuador: Challenges and opportunities in an evolving country context (Issue #27 - 2014) - English
Ecuador: Challenges and opportunities in an evolving country context (Issue #27 - 2014) - Spanish
Evaluation insights: Promoting private-sector partnerships in Zambia (Issue #33 - 2014)
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - Chinese
Evaluation insight: Promoting innovations and scaling up impact (Issue #31 - 2014) - English
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The potential of conservation farming for adaptation to climate change (Issue #28 - 2014)
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Full document
Executive summary
Full document
Executive summary
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Agreement at completion point

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