
IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System

28 abril 2016


IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System

Corporate-level Evaluation


Since it was introduced by IFAD's Executive Board in 2003, the Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS) has enhanced the Fund's credibility, transparency and predictability of financial resource allocations to its developing Member States. The core feature of IFAD's PBAS is that country allocations are calculated using a specific formula to generate a country score, using several variables that, put together, determine country needs and country performance. Overall, the PBAS is found to be relevant. The formula should better factor in some key dimensions of IFAD's priorities, such as food security, nutrition and climate change. It also should improve the way it considers vulnerability issues as determinants of country needs. The evaluation finds the system's effectiveness to be on the whole moderately satisfactory. The rationale for including or excluding countries from the PBAS and the underlying mechanisms guiding the capping system should be made more explicit and institutionalized. Among the recommendations, the need to refine the PBAS design, by sharpening its objectives and strengthening the rural poverty focus; streamline the process for better effectiveness; and enhance management and governance, by taking a more corporate approach to the PBAS in general.

In-house learning event on the CLE-PBAS, 9 March 2016, IFAD headquarters. Photo by Maurizio Navarra.
In-house learning event on the CLE-PBAS, 9 March 2016, IFAD headquarters. Photo by Maurizio Navarra.



Infographic: CLE on IFAD's Performance-based Allocation System (2005-2015)
Draft Approach Paper Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's performance-based allocation system.pdf
Executive summary
Evaluation profile: Republic of Turkey Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #111 - 2016)
Evaluation profile, Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Democratic Republic of the Congo (French)
Evaluation profile, Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation Democratic Republic of the Congo - (English)
Evaluation synthesis on IFAD’s support for environment and natural resource management (Profile issue #117 - 2016)
Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (Issue #120-2016)
Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #105 - 2016)
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation (Issue #113 - 2016)
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Decentralization Experience (issue #119 - 2016)
Enhancing partnerships in development: IFAD support to South-South cooperation (Issue #116-2016)
India Country Programme Evaluation (#114 - 2016)
Impact Evaluation of Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project (Profile issue #122)
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS) (issue #112 - 2016)
Profile: Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2016
Evaluation insight: Republic of Turkey - Addressing challenges in inclusive and sustainable development (Issue #40 - 2016)
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation insight - Issue #42, 2016
Evaluation insight: Better targetting of vulnerable populations (Issue #44 - 2016)
Enseignements: Pour un meilleur ciblage des populations vulnérables (Numéro 44, Octobre 2016)
Ethiopia Country programme evaluation: Using a programmatic approach to lending (Issue #38 - 2015)
The Gambia country programme evaluation IFAD’s targeting strategies in The Gambia (Issue #39 - 2015)
Republic of India Country Programme Evaluation Innovative solutions to improve productivity of rainfed (Issue #43 – 2016)
People’s Republic of Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation: Policy engagement and strategic partnership for greater impact (Issue #41 - 2016)
Infographic: CLE IFAD's decentralization experience
Infographic: Turkey Country programme evaluation
Infographic : Impact Evaluation of Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project
Infographic: Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation
Infographic: Nigeria Country programme evaluation
Infographic: Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation
Infographic: IFAD’s Approach to Evaluation Capacity Development
Infographic: Democratic Republic of Congo Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Infographic: India Country Programme Evaluation
Approach paper: Republic of Mozambique - Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project
Approach paper: IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results
Approach paper: IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
The Philippines: Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP)
The Philippines
Sri Lanka: Post -Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme
Nicaragua: National Agricultural Technology and Training Programme - Technical Assistance Fund
Maldives: Post-Tsunami Agriculture and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme
Malawi: Rural Livelihoods Support Programme
Approach paper: Democratic Republic of Congo Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Republic of Mozambique
Approach paper: IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results
Approach paper: IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
Full document
Executive summary
Full document
Executive summary
Executive summary
Executive summary
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - Spanish
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - French
Overview and FAO and IFAD Management's responses - English
Full document
Ethiopia Country Porgramme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point: India Country Programme Evaluation

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