Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project - IOE

Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project
The IFAD-supported Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project achieved positive results, having overcome a slow start-up and initial difficulties with the flow of funds. The project met and in some instances surpassed - its output targets towards establishing and strengthening community institutions and self-help groups, participatory planning, infrastructure improvements, support to indigenous populations, and policy and institutional development. At the same time, impact on agriculture has been moderate and mainly linked to improved irrigation. The number of people experiencing food shortages has declined and the income generated has enabled them to purchase food. However, household food security is still vulnerable to climatic shocks with communities lacking opportunities to move to larger-scale initiatives. Among the key recommendations of this assessment are the need to continue nurturing the strong links between communities and local government units, thus creating potential for further development initiatives that could reduce such vulnerability; and developing a new set of skills to support commercial (value chain) development activities.