
Zambia Country Programme Evaluation

25 octubre 2014

This country programme evaluation is the first carried out in Zambia and it covers the period 1999-2013.The interventions by IFAD have helped to increase and diversify production by beneficiary smallholder farmers, enhance access to markets and improve the livestock. The portfolio is also contributing to augment the social capital and empowerment of the target groups, in particular by promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. The overall project portfolio achievement has been considered moderately satisfactory. However, the programme was not fully effective due to substantial delays in implementation, weaknesses in financial management and the broad targeting strategy that did not sufficiently focus on the most disadvantaged households and communities.

Draft Approach Paper - Republic of Zambia Country Programme Evaluation.pdf
Executive summary
Evaluation profile (Issue #100 - 2014)
Evaluation insights: Promoting private-sector partnerships in Zambia (Issue #33 - 2014)

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