Latest reports - IOE
India: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
Background1 India is the largest borrower from IFAD, both in terms of number of projects financed and resources invested. The Fund has provided loans for 24 agriculture and rural development...
Niger Country Programme Evaluation (2011)
Résumé exécutif Objectifs et grands axes de l'évaluation. En 2009, le Bureau indépendant de l'évaluation du Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) a été chargé d'entreprendre une...
Langues: English, French
Republic of Benin: Roots and Tubers Development Programme
Évaluation intermédiaire Objectifs, processus et partenariat cle de l'evaluation Objectifs. En 2009, le Bureau de l'évaluation du FIDA a conduit une évaluation finale du Programme de développement...
Langues: English, French
AfDB-IFAD joint evaluation on agriculture and rural development in Africa
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) completed a joint evaluation on agriculture and rural development (ARD) in Africa, in December...
Mozambique Country Programme Evaluation
This is the first country programme evaluation that the Independent Office of Evaluation has undertaken for Mozambique. The overriding strategic objective has been to raise the incomes of...
Langues: English, Portuguese
Argentina Country Programme Evaluation
This is the first country programme evaluation undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD for Argentina. The evaluation found that the performance of the investment portfolio is...
Langues: English, Spanish
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2009
This is the seventh Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) prepared by the Office of Evaluation (OE). It presents a synthesis of the main results and impact from evaluations...
Rural Development Programme for Las Verapaces (2009)
Interim Evaluation Executive summary Background In December 2007, the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) requested the Office of Evaluation (OE) to...
Langues: English, Spanish
Upper Mandraré Basin Development Project – phase 2 (2009)
Evaluation terminale - Résumé exécutif Introduction Objectifs et processus de l'évaluation. L'évaluation terminale du Projet de mise en valeur du Haut Bassin du Mandraré phase 2 vise, d'une part, à...
Langues: English, French
Uplands Food Security Project (2009)
République populaire démocratique de Corée
Interim Evaluation Introduction Evaluation objectives, methodology and process. In the spring of 2008, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of IFAD undertook an Interim Evaluation of the Uplands Food...