Latest reports - IOE
Republic of Paraguay: Peasant Development Fund Credit Project
Completion evaluation the core learning partnership and evaluation users The Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) carried out a completion...
Langues: English, Spanish
Tunisia: integrated agricultural and rural development project in the Governorate of Siliana
Évaluation intermédiaire 1 Principales constatations, recommandations et suivi convenu Iintermédiaire du Projet de développement agricole rural intégré (PDARI) de Siliana. Un partenariat clé...
Langues: English, French
The Republic of Uganda: district development support programme
Completion evaluation Agreement at completion point 1 Introduction and the Core Learning Partnership In 2004, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a completion evaluation of the District...
Agreement at Completion Point: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia:Special Country Programme, Phase II (SCP II)
The Core Learning Partnership and the Users of the Evaluation 1 In 2004 the Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Special Country Programme Phase II (SCP II) in...
Republic of Benin: Income-generating activities project
Évaluation intermédiaire Préambule L'Accord conclusif se base sur les réflexions et discussions des partenaires relatives aux constats et recommandations figurant dans le Rapport d'évaluation...
Langues: English, French
District Development Support Programme
Completion evaluation 1 Introduction The completion evaluation of the DDSP was converted from an interim to a completion evaluation mainly due to the realignment of the policy of the Government of...
Benin Country Programme Evaluation (2005)
Depuis 1981, le FIDA a accordé au Bénin huit prêts dun montant total de 91 millions de USD. En 1997, une première stratégie de pays pour la coopération entre le FIDA et le Bénin (COSOP) a été...
Langues: English, French
Direct supervision pilot programme - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction and the core learning partnership In 2004/05, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a corporate-level evaluation (CLE) of the direct supervision pilot...
Direct supervision pilot programme
Introduction Background. In February 1997, the IFAD Governing Council adopted resolution 102/XX on Loan Administration and Supervision of Project Implementation, together with a Five-Year Plan of...
Egypt Country Programme Evaluation
Overall, most projects have objectives that are highly relevant to the IFAD and Government of Egypt strategies (at the time of design) as well as to the rural poor. The relevance of the portfolio...