
Résultats de recherche

Smallholders' Agricultural Development Project in the ParacentralRegion (1998)
El Salvador  
septembre 1998
Interim evaluation Project design and objectives Target group In the appraisal document (1990), the target group was estimated at 21 000 farmers having holdings of less than four hectares; 77% of...
Langues: English, Spanish
Projet de Développement Rural de Plaine des Abda, Province de Safi (1998)
septembre 1998
Evaluation terminale Conception et objectifs du projet Groupe cible Le projet a distingué une "zone focale", constituée par 13 communes des Abda et du Sahel, comptant 22 000 exploitations de moins...
Langues: English, French
Mauritania Evaluation du portefeuille de projets du FIDA
août 1998
Cette évaluation du portefeuille de projets financés par le FIDA en Mauritanie est la septième du genre. Comme les précédentes, elle répond au besoin du Fonds de comprendre, en longue durée, dans...
Langues: English, French
Network of IFAD-supported Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA)
juin 1998
Interim evaluation Although the server, the coordinator and the support staff are all located in Santiago, Chile, the project area covers the entire region of Latin America and the Caribbean....
Langues: English, Spanish
Pakistan Country Portfolio Evaluation
mai 1998
Evaluation purpose and scope This is the fourth evaluation1 in a series of Country Portfolio Evaluations (CPEs), which the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development...
Northern Zone Agricultural Credit Development Project
Costa Rica  
mars 1998
Completion evaluation Project area The Northern Zone Agricultural Credit Development Project initially covered the cantons of Upala and Guatuso in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica's Huetar...
Langues: English, Spanish
Orissa Tribal Development Project
mars 1998
Completion Evaluation Introduction The IFAD Completion Evaluation (CE) mission of the Orissa Tribal Development Project (OTDP) visited India from 9 to 21 November 1998. The objectives of the...
Small-Scale Agricultural Development Project - Ex-post Evaluation (1997)
décembre 1997
Ex-post Evaluation August 1997 Executive Summary THE OBJECTIVE OF THE EX-POST EVALUATION MISSION So far the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has financed only one project in...
Technical Assistance Grant for Poverty Alleviation Training in Asia and the PacificRegion
décembre 1997
Interim Evaluation Exectuive Summary In April 1996 the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) recommended that the Executive Board approve a new...
Langues: English, Spanish
