Latest reports - IOE
North Western Province Agricultural Development Project - Mid-term evaluation (1997)
Mid-term Evaluation Project design and objectives Target group The target group represents medium- and low-income groups categorised as semi-commercial and subsistence farmers. This target group,...
Smallholder Development Project for Marginal Areas (1997)
République-Unie de Tanzanie
Interim evaluation Purpose and objectives of the evaluation The overall aim of the evaluation was to review the implementation performance of those IFAD-financed projects in Tanzania containing...
Southern Roseires Agricultural Production (1997) Mid-term Evaluation
Project design and objectives Target group There are no accurate data concerning the population of the project area. At the time of the last census held in 1983, the settled population was 24 400...
Soil and Water Conservation and Agroforestry Programme (SWaCAP) (1997)
Focused evaluation The Kingdom of Lesotho, which is surrounded entirely by the Republic of South Africa (RSA), has an area of about 30 600 km2. About 18%, 18%, 51% and 13% of Lesotho is classified...
Smallholder Support Project in Zanzibar (1997)
République-Unie de Tanzanie
Interim evaluation Purpose and objectives of the evaluation The overall aim of the evaluation was to review the implementation performance of those IFAD-financed projects in Tanzania containing...
Regional Programme in Support of Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Basin (PRIA)
Bolivie (État plurinational de) Brésil Colombie Venezuela (République bolivarienne du)
Interim Evaluation Condensed Executive Summary The PRIA was made possible by an IFAD Technical Assistant Grant of USD 2.000.000 and a Technical Cooperation Grant of USD 150.000 contributed by the...
Langues: English, Spanish
First Eastern Zone Agricultural Project (1997)
Interim evaluation Project design and objectives Target group The EZ comprises the project area of FEZAP, the population in 1991 was estimated at 191 000 and the target group comprised a total of...
Southern Highlands Extension and Rural financial Services Project (1997)
République-Unie de Tanzanie
Interim evaluation Purpose and objectives of the evaluation The overall aim of the evaluation was to review the implementation performance of those IFAD-financed projects in Tanzania containing...
Income Diversification Project (1997)
Mid-term Evaluation Jordan is a small country with a population of 4.5 million (1997). Its total area is 89 200 km2 of which only 1% is inland water. The country is divided into four regions...