
Résultats de recherche

Xieng Khouang Agricultural Development Project (1995)
République démocratique populaire lao  
avril 1995
Interim evaluation The project covers the whole of the Province of Xieng Khouang, a mountainous region in the North-East of Laos. In 1989, its population was 177 000 people and some 217 000 in...
Livestock and Pasture Development Project in the Eastern Region - Mid-term evaluation (1995)
avril 1995
Résumé du rapport d'évaluation à mi parcours L'aire géographique couverte par le projet correspond à neuf communes rurales des provinces de Figuig et d'Oujda, celles-ci couvrant une superficie...
Langues: English, French
Special Country Programme
mars 1995
Interim evaluation With an estimated GNP per capita of just USD 100, Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world - about one third of the population live in absolute poverty. Ninety per...
Second projet de développement rural de Siguiri
mars 1995
Le volet crédit du "Projet de développement rural de Siguiri" s'est soldé par un échec et a du être interrompu. Conception Objectifs L'objectif est de permettre l'implantation du réseau Crédit...
Langues: English, French
Animal Health Services Rehabilitation Programme
mars 1995
Purpose and scope The Kenya Animal Health Services Rehabilitation Programme aimed to improve the delivery of animal health services to the large number of small livestock owners nationwide. This...
Agricultural Development Project
mars 1995
Completion Evaluation The project area, in the northern part of Uganda, covers about 25% of the total land area, or approximately 59,000 square km, in seven administrative districts. The terrain is...
Small-Scale Agricultural Development Project - Completion Evaluation (1994)
décembre 1994
Completion Evaluation October 1994 Executive Summary Background Over the last twenty years, Mauritius has undergone major structural changes from an agricultural mono-crop economy with a rapidly...
Second Ceara Integrated Rural Development Project (1994)
décembre 1994
Ex-post evaluation Rural poverty in Brazil is concentrated in the Northeast region of the country. Per capita income in this region is only half the average for the country. Seventy percent of...
Income Generating Project for Marginal Farmers and Landless (1994)
décembre 1994
Mid-term Evaluation Progress in implementation Physical and Financial Performance: Although the Loan Agreement was signed in January 1988, delays resulted in IFAD credit being utilized only in Year...
Hillside Farmers Support Project (1994)
décembre 1994
Mid-term Evaluation Findings The Hillside Farmers Support Project (HFSP) is in its fifth out of the six years initially planned for implementation. Project objectives were to provide credit and...
